Business & Strategy Alignment
This section of the Playbook provides an introduction on how IT infrastructure can be best aligned with business needs.
How We Work
The FAS-IT Playbook contains records on the reasoning and planning that went into creating FAS-IT. This area contains detailed documentation discussing such matters as the FAS Enterprise Data Architecture and FAS Business Capabilities model.
How We Work

Modernization Plans
This area provides clarity to new employees, contractors and vendors on the state of various upgrades and modernization happening across FAS-IT. Information includes the business proposals and supporting documentation for each effort.
System Modernizations

Services and Capabilities Architecture
FAS-IT architecture starts with a Services and Capabilities Architecture that is tuned to meet the needs of FAS.
View Diagram
Conceptual Architecture
Since the cloud is a rapidly changing and moving target, we seek to have an "architectural horizon" in sight,- a "North Star"- if you will.
View Architecture
Macro Patterns
FAS-IT currently has several "macro-patterns" that are used to talk about and evaluate system plans.
Macro PatternsMarketplace Initiatives
GSA and FAS continue to improve and enhance its business processes – an effort which is informed by commercial best practices such as the Federal Marketplace program. The intent of all this is to modernize and simplify the buying and selling experience for customers, suppliers and acquisition professionals. The efforts have helped the business lines modernize their business processes and helped drive investments in modernizing their business systems. FAS-IT works with the FAS Executive Leadership and business lines to execute the initiatives to achieve their strategic goals.