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FAS Business Capability Model

At the start of FY20, GSA's Office of Systems Management (OST) recognized the nexus of major FAS transformational initiatives and the success of new IT governance as an opportunity to revisit previous work done around business architecture. Thus, OST partnered with Gartner, Inc. to produce a business capability model and to conduct application rationalization.

What is a Business Capability Model?

A business capability model depicts a common understanding of what a business does, and how it delivers value agnostic of any organizational boundaries. A business capability model is a part of an overall business architecture and explains how products, projects, and purchases will point to specific business outcomes. It is a living document intended to keep pace with the business as it evolves.

The FAS Business Capability Model was developed with our business and strategy at the forefront. It was informed by direct input from representatives in each business line and integrator office, those supporting major transformational initiatives, and senior leadership. It is maintained by OST in tandem with a team of "capability stewards," who help coordinate and validate input from stakeholders, and recommend updates on an ongoing basis.

The following FAS Business Capability Model is a result of leveraging existing GSA and FAS strategic documentation, feedback received from over 30 interviews with specialized individuals across the business, FAS leadership, and GSA IT, and findings from in-depth collaborative workshops. This Model organizes everything that FAS does into ten "level zero" capabilities, each of which is further deconstructed into additional levels.

To use the Model, simply click on one of the ten capabilities you are interested in exploring. The box will open and will feature an explanation of the capability. Additional sublevels of the capability will be inside of the box. In some cases, these sublevels are broken down further into a third level. For example, Capability 3.0, "Managing Sourcing, Contracting & Vendors," includes three levels of capabilities.


Capability of Record

Capability of Differentiation

Capability of Innovation

Includes the development, execution, and management of the FAS strategy and its lifecycle — starting with ideation, vision development and strategic planning to the oversight required for achieving the vision and strategy. Provides direction for other capabilities and does not include the execution of tactical initiatives across the organization, which are accounted for in other L0 capabilities.

1.1 Develop FAS Vision and Strategy

1.2 Develop FAS Strategic Initiatives

1.3 Execute Strategic Initiatives

1.4 Govern / Manage Strategic Initiatives

Includes customer-facing and related capabilities such as managing customer relationships and customer service and support. Includes the development of customer service strategy, management of customer service operations, and the evaluation of customer service success. Customers include both external agency customers and internal GSA customers associated with or dependent on the FAS mission.

2.1 Manage Customer Service Strategy

2.2 Manage Customer Relationships

2.3 Provide Customer Service/Support

2.4 Measure Customer Service Success

2.5 Research & Design Customer Experience

Includes capabilities required to manage acquisitions processes and supplier-related processes, such as managing supplier relationships and processes, contracting, and contracting life cycle related and related activities. This includes contracting / acquisition activities specific to GSA's Multiple Award Schedule, Government-wide Acquisition Contracts (GWACs), as well as contracting performed internally to support GSA operations.

Includes acquisition activities beginning at the point when agency needs are established, requirements definition, solicitation and selection of sources, award of contracts, contract financing, contract performance, contract administration, and those technical and management functions directly related to the process of fulfilling agency needs by contract.

3.1.1 Perform Market Research

3.1.2 Evaluate Sourcing Options

3.2.1 Develop Requirements

3.2.2 Develop Financial Estimates

3.2.3 Develop Solicitation

3.2.4 Maintain Solicitation (MAS only)

3.3.1 Manage Offers

3.3.2 Manage Awards

3.3.3 Negotiate Contract

3.3.4 Approve / Deny Contract Award

3.4.1 Manage Contract Performance

3.4.2 Manage Contract Compliance

3.4.3 Manage Contract Modifications

3.4.4 Renew / Dispose Contract

3.5.1 Monitor Vendor Performance

3.5.2 Measure Vendor Performance

3.5.3 Report Vendor Performance

3.5.4 Evaluate Vendor Performance

3.6.1 Manage Vendor Compliance

3.6.2 Manage Vendor Threats

3.7.1 Manage Vendor Onboarding

3.7.2 Manage Vendor Transitions

3.7.3 Manage Vendor Offboarding

3.8.1 Manage Vendor Communications

3.8.2 Manage Vendor Satisfaction

Includes all capabilities necessary to go-to-market and provide goods and services to the Federal, State, Local, and Tribal Government Markets via various channels and platforms. Includes defining and managing the product / service portfolio / lifecycle, including the GSA Multiple Award Schedule, GWACs, and all services available to the Federal, State, Local, and Tribal government. Includes capabilities required to bring specific services to market.

This also includes administrative efforts and oversight related to the management of channels and platforms.

4.1.1 Manage Products

4.1.2 Manage Catalog

4.1.3 Manage Pricing

4.1.4 Provide Travel Services

4.2.1 Research Markets / Customers

4.2.2 Manage Marketing / Selling Strategy

4.2.3 Perform Marketing

4.2.4 Perform Selling

4.3.1 Define Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)

4.3.2 Assess / Analyze (KPIs)

4.4.1 Support Product / Service Research

4.4.2 Manage Customers & Accounts

4.4.3 Manage Basket

4.4.4 Manage Transactions / Check-Out

4.5 Provide Professional Svcs

4.6 Provide Facilities & Construction Svcs

4.7 Provide Office Mgmt Svcs

4.8 Provide Human Capital Svcs

4.9 Provide Industrial Products / Svcs

4.10 Provide Security & Protection Svcs

4.11 Provide Transportation & Logistics Svcs

4.12 Provide Information Technology Svcs

4.13 Provide Travel Services

Includes strategic, advisory, and technical services for information technology offered to the Federal, State, Local, and Tribal government in order to complete or assist digital transformation initiatives.

5.1 Perform Strategic Consulting

5.2 Develop Digital Platforms & Solutions

5.3 Maintain Digital Platforms & Solutions

5.4 Deliver Centers of Excellence

Includes all specialized, ancillary and value-added support capabilities required to supportcprimary acquisition activities — providing subject matter expertise, and customcor specialized acquisition services, such as assisted acquisitions.

6.1 Identify Qualified Suppliers

6.2 Recommend Acquisition Vehicles

6.3 Provide Acquisition SME

6.4 Provide Decision Support

6.5 Manage & Acquisition Framework

6.6 Manage Assisted Acquisitions

Includes all capabilities required to manage data assets (governance, management, data life cycle management, enterprise dashboards) and thereby enable analytic capabilities for many purposes across the organization.

7.1 Govern Data

7.2.1 Enable / Use Information Portal

7.2.2 Enable / Use Analytics Workbench

7.2.3 Enable / Use Data Science Laboratory

7.2.4 Enable / Use AI Hub

7.3 Secure & Protect Data

7.4 Manage Data Assets

7.5 Integrate Data

7.6 Share Data

7.7 Perform Evaluations

Includes all capabilities required to enable the distribution of goods ordered by internal or external customers. Includes logistics management, order management, and inventory management capabilities.

8.1 Manage Orders

8.2 Manage Order Quality

8.3 Manage Purchasing Volumes

8.4 Manage Logistics

8.5 Manage Inventory

8.6 Manage Supply Chain Risk

8.7 Manage Supply Chain Transparency

Includes all capabilities required to manage data assets (governance, management, data life cycle management) and thereby enable analytic capabilities for many purposes across the organization.

9.1 Acquire / Purchase Vehicles (Non-Tactical)

9.2 Maintain Vehicles

9.3 Dispose Vehicles

Includes all efforts to enable core FAS business capabilities and functions, such as financial management, human capital management, and information technology management.

10.1 Manage Human Capital

10.2 Manage Financials

10.3.1 Manage Technology Portfolio

10.3.2 Manage Infrastructure Assets

10.3.3 Manage Business Systems

10.3.4 Manage Requirements

10.4.1 Safeguard IT Systems

What if there is a capability I want to add to the model?

The model is maintained by capability stewards who monitor requests submitted through the collection form.

What is the "application rationalization" that OST also partnered with industry to produce?

The rationalization focused on the areas of business fitness, technical condition, architecture profile, and cost. Business and technical points of contact answered targeted questions on topics such as scalability, complexity, security, release cadence, hosting, and usability. This data was then used to score each application, and give it a designation of "tolerate," "invest," "migrate," or "eliminate."

OST conducted a follow-on engagement with Gartner to further examine applications which were scored as "eliminate," and which had no modernization efforts planned. Recommendations from this engagement were delivered to the FAS Systems Governance Committee (FSGC) on October 27, 2020.