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FAS Strategic Initiatives

As FAS-IT enables the FAS business through technology, we also have to ensure we align to the overall technology strategy of GSA-IT. GSA-IT's Strategic Plan focuses on building on the partnerships we have with the business to help improve their customers' experience through quality IT products and services, and investing in innovation to ensure we can meet the current and future customer needs. Additionally, GSA-IT has an internal focus to improve the cybersecurity posture of our systems and improve operational efficiencies through more automation in how we deliver.

Status of FAS Strategic Initiatives

Below is a list of major IT initiatives and how they align with the FAS and GSA-IT strategies. The table includes both initiatives that have been completed during or before FY22 and initiatives continuing into FY23.

Initiative FAS Executive Sponsor FAS Alignment GSA IT Alignment FY23 Status
Acquisition Process Automation / Robotics Process Automation (RPA) Jeff Lau MAS Consolidation RPA Mission Delivery, Operational Excellence, Innovation Leader Initial pilot program initiated Crystal Philcox/Christina Kingsland Fleet Management Systems Modernization Mission Delivery, Operational Excellence Deployed FMVRS, FEDFMS and DRM functionality. Pegasys enhancements, CARS/MARS and Drive-Thru modernization are currently in-progress.
ASSIST Christopher Bennethum Assisted Acquisition Services System Modernization Mission Delivery, Operational Excellence Preparation and issuance of new solicitation for ASSIST 3.0; Continued increment planning, development and move-to-production.
Authoritative Catalog Repository (ACR) Dena McLaughlin Catalog Management Mission Delivery, Operational Excellence Growing catalog base and developing additional capabilities to support FCP
FAS Catalog Platform (FCP) Dena McLaughlin Catalog Management Mission Delivery, Operational Excellence MVP deployed to production, onboarding additional pilot vendors
Contract Acquisition Life-cycle Management (CALM) system Charlotte Phelan Contract Writing System Mission Delivery, Operational Excellence Configuration demos underway
Digital Experience - FMP Charlotte Phelan FMP Mission Delivery, Operational Excellence DX prototype developed; other systems considering use
FAS Data Architecture Charlotte Phelan / Mark Lee FMP Catalog Management Mission Delivery, Operational Excellence, Innovation Leader Call order awarded and project initiated
FALCON (FSS-19) Modernization (Supply Chain and NSN Functions) Erv Koehler Supply Chain Management Modernization and NSN Catalog Management Modernization Mission Delivery, Operational Excellence Around 70 % of the FALCON Supply Chain Management (Phase 1) functions are deployed and fully operational in the cloud. The remaining 30% (Financial Interfaces) is planned to go live in November 2023. The NSN Catalog Management modernization (Phase 2) development will commence in June 2023 and is planned for completion in May 2025.
Personal Property Management System (PPMS) Erv Koehler Personal Property Management Systems Modernization Mission Delivery, Operational Excellence Ready for deployment July 2023
IAE (Including, FPDS, FSD, etc.) Memi Whitehead / Amy Haseltine FMP Integrated Award Environment (IAE) Mission Delivery, Operational Excellence Full operation of Improve operational efficiencies
Multiple Award Schedule (MAS) Program Charlotte Phelan / Stephanie Shutt MAS Consolidation Mission Delivery, Operational Excellence Consolidation successfully completed
SmartPay Data Warehouse (SPDW) Tiffany Hixson FAS Shared Services Mission Delivery, Operational Excellence Modernization completed in FY21
SRP (in support of Commercial Pricing Intake - Commercial Platforms) Jeff Lau / Charlotte Phelan Commercial Platforms Mission Delivery, Operational Excellence Modernization completed in FY20
Transportation Audits Management System (TAMS) Crystal Philcox / Tim Burke Transportation Management Systems Modernization Mission Delivery, Operational Excellence Modernization completed in FY20
Transportation Management Services System (TMSS) 2.0 Crystal Philcox / Tim Burke Transportation Management Systems Modernization Mission Delivery, Operational Excellence Modernization completed in FY20