Acquisition Gateway (AG)
Goals and Objectives:
The Acquisition Gateway (AG) provides a workspace for acquisition professionals and federal buyers to connect with resources, tools and each other to improve acquisition government-wide. The goals of this system are to achieve transparency, realize contract savings, and reduce duplication. Using OMB credentials, users from across the government can access this portal and collaborate with others. The app integration model fully-realizes Category team requirements for content customized for their needs.
Expands the usability and tools on the Gateway to better support the Program Management Community
Project Center is the nexus of program office/contracting office collaboration
Enhanced data visualization and pricing support
Integrates prices paid visualizations in Gateway applications with extended features available to applet builders
Interfaces with a contract writing system to exchange data
"Self service" tools and features to support acquisition process efficiency and Category Management
Increases collaboration with industry
Expands collaborative tools to increase communication between government and industry
Empower teams government-wide to deploy acquisition-related tools on the platform with limited development budgets and without duplicating infrastructure costs
User Interface:
The Acquisition Gateway data flow and UI is incorporated in the Digital Experience environment.