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Business and Requirements Overview

"The Right Vehicle, at the Right Price, with Great Service; and the Data Necessary to Effectively Manage your Fleet."


The Office of Fleet Management’s (GSA Fleet/QMD) mission is to provide safe, reliable, low cost vehicle solutions that assist federal agencies in effectively and efficiently meeting their mission and federal mandates. GSA Fleet manages mandatory Government-wide vehicle acquisition programs, provides Federal agencies full service vehicle leases, and offers short term vehicle rentals. A complete systems modernization occurred over the last four years that resulted in 20 legacy systems integrated into a single system called

Business Challenge:

Business Objectives: Products

GSA Fleet provides federal agencies vehicles and fleet management services through a set of offerings. GSA Fleet supports those offerings through a set of aligned software applications referred to as 'products' including:

In addition to managing the Fleet Card Program, Loss Prevention, Financial Planning and execution, and Accounts Receivable efforts, Business Management Product ensures Fleet's business activity is properly accounted for by providing oversight into other Advanced Fleet Platform products. Business Mgmt ensures GSA Fleet Products provide and portray data accurately and consistently to our customers and stakeholders.

Business Management also sets rates, analyzes pricing data, manages Fleet's financial position through budgeting and forecasting, and provides analysis and recommendations to each of the other products in the AFP.

The Catalog maintains all contracts with vendors across the entire AFP. Catalog has the contracting expertise to manage and support the negotiation of the contract across the other products, reducing the contracting burden from other products and our customers.

Catalog contains all the information for new, configurable vehicles and equipment to support customer missions, across all of the Fleet offerings. This information is then provided to the Store for customers to order directly from GSA Fleet.

Most users that interact with the Catalog are working with the contracts, or ensuring the data is accurate.

The Catalog marries customer needs, industry standards, government policies, and vendor availability to make offerings and services available for agency acquisition

The Store provides the functionality for customers to research different types of vehicles and equipment, compare vehicles and prices across offerings (purchasing, leasing, short-term rentals), in order to determine the best solution to meet the needs of their agency.

Customers can configure the vehicle options, ancillary equipment, and necessary infrastructure for the proper use of the vehicle, before submitting the acquisition with necessary approvals. Customers will interact with the store, all the way through the acceptance and physical delivery of the vehicle at the geographical location specified by them. The Store will manage the marshalling functions.

The VMS product provides support to GSA Fleet customers with their Fleet and Motor Pool needs.

VMS also provides proactive communications to GSA Fleet customers. These communications support the use of the vehicle, and ensure that vehicles are safe and compliant. VMS provides the role for the quality assurance of GSA Fleet's 1000+ vendors, both with and without direct contracts with GSA Fleet.

M&R is the first point-of-contact for customers for any maintenance needs during the use of the vehicles. M&R works with the customer and vendor to document and approve the specific needed repairs, to ensure the vehicles are safe and reliable. M&R provides vehicle support with roadside assistance, towing, or other experiences outside of routine maintenance or PM.

M&R is also the POC when repairs are necessary due to an accident. Including guidance and support during the incident, capturing all necessary information, and working to repair the vehicle. M&R is responsible for each single transaction with the vendor: to ensure the best price is negotiated, customer satisfaction, and the vehicle is safe and reliable.

The Vehicle Marketplace is responsible for ensuring that GSA Fleet vehicles that have finished their assignments and will not be reassigned to another Agency, are ready for sale. Once the vehicle is ready for sale, Vehicle Marketplace uses multiple avenues for the sale of the vehicle.

The Vehicle Marketplace coordinates with the marshalling vendors (that are managed by the Store) and the transportation vendors to receive the vehicles from GSA Fleet customers and to deliver the vehicles to the auction houses.

Goals and Objectives:

At the Fleet System division, we have been closely following the guidelines from the FAS-IT Playbook which lays the cornerstone for system architecture and application design.

Our cloud solution integrates with FAS enterprise services, both as a consumer and as a provider of information. We have been working with the FAS Cloud Services (FCS) and IT security teams to address infrastructure, tools, processes, as well as security requirements. The FCS ecosystem enables us to concentrate on developing and implementing the business requirements. The integration with FCS supports alignment with GSA enterprise standards.

We have worked to minimize how long it takes between identifying a business need and delivering that need to the customers. Minimizing time to value is a major goal of ours.

Our solution supports the integrity of data by controlling who accesses it, ensuring changes are auditable, and maintaining internally consistent data that accurately reflects the business. Creating and preserving a single source of truth is paramount to the success of our modernization efforts.

The architecture integrates and supports the transition work in the short term without incurring or introducing long term technical debt.

The key to an effective system is the quality of the user experience. We enabled continuous process improvement and provided a personalized customer experience; our users have a predictable and best in class experience using


The sections below detail the releases of new capabilities that are now available in

One of the most important milestones for the Fleet Modernization project after it was awarded is to deliver a MVP in about 4 months. This is to meet the  EBC requirements and to deliver meaningful functionality to Fleet users every 4 months. For the MVP, the task management functionality is geared towards vehicle recall tasks. This MVP will provide the FSRs a list of open recall tasks for vehicles that they are responsible for. They can then notify their agency customers and follow up with them to ensure that the required action has been taken to address the recall and close out the recall.

The federal motor vehicle registration system feature allows agency fleet users to register vehicles and also download the registration card. This release also provided GSA Fleet users and external agency fleet managers the ability to track and manage license plate orders and ability to manage their license plate inventory. 

Additional features included in this release include the ability for the GSA Fleet Business Management unit to set purchasing rates and GSA Fleet engineers to set up and review Federal Vehicle Standards. This was our first major release that utilized the authorization framework which was major undertaking combining the authorization framework from 19 different legacy systems into one single system i.e. GSAFleet.Gov.

GSA Fleet has released new vehicle inventory management features, as well as the agency-owned FAST reporting tool! This is the second major release of this year for For agencies that do not have their own fleet management system, GSA provides them with the FedFMS feature that allows agencies to manage their vehicle inventory, vehicle expenses, repair tracking, and mileage tracking. This feature also supports them with all the extracts needed for FAST reporting.

The release also included access to: customer-driven data, ability to manage agency-owned vehicle expenses, mileages, repairs, recalls, and inventory details. Along with a new vehicle details page accessible by all products within GSAFleet.Gov, other important reports, and new interfaces.

The GSA Fleet team has successfully released the following new functionality to the Dispatch and Reservation Management application which enables GSA customers to create and manage motor-pools, assign drivers to them, as well as schedule pickups and returns of vehicles. And the Fleet Card Replacement module which enables Fleet users to order replacement for their fuel cards. 

The Business Management deployment for Pegasys Interfaces is the largest and most consequential for modernization so far. It provides an end-to-end solution for financial transactions for vehicle purchasing, leasing, rental, billing, asset management and claims. The Fleet team developed over a half dozen APIs for Pegasys in addition to enhanced error handling and notifications for users. With this release all Fleet financial transactions generated either from legacy applications or will flow through the modernized platform for processing with Pegasys. 

The release was not simply a lift and shift of legacy functionality onto the new platform. Major business impacts and streamlined processes were part of this complex effort. Some of the changes included the separation and rebranding of Vehicle Leasing and Short-Term Rental into two separate business lines with unique customer billing statements. This update created distinct business lines in name and practice and will support G-Invoicing down the road. 

Another significant business improvement is the transition away from using Vehicle Tags as the key identifier and instead using Vehicle Identification Number (VIN) for purchasing and asset transactions. The VIN is now used on customer billings as well. 

This release also implemented several upgrades from the Treasury systems. migrated to using Treasury’s International Treasury Service Foreign Platform, which processes payments from more countries and currencies than their legacy system and eliminates manual entry for these transactions. In addition, changes were made to enable the Treasury Invoice Processing Platform (IPP).

  • The Fleet Team released the following functionality to
    • Fleet card replacement orders
    • WEX Integration
    • Agency Incurred Expenses(AIE) Report
    • Fuel Use Report (FUR)
    • Scheduled Reports
    • Office Management
    • Leasing Account Management
    • Customer Account management feature
  • The Agency Incurred Expense (AIE) Report enables customers to pull detailed records of agency expenses not covered by their leasing rates. 
  • Fuel Use Reports enables customers to review summary and historical fueling data at the transactional level for the vehicles they lease from GSA. 
  • Both reports can be filtered by Agency, Agency Indicator, Bureau, BOAC, as well as Customer Number, VIN, and license plate. 
  • Scheduled Reports: Enables customers to have the ability to set a time and date to receive an unlimited number of leasing reports (AIE, CRASH, Fuel Use Report). Once the scheduled report date, time, and criteria are set, the customer will be able to update or edit their schedule reports at any time. 
  • The release also includes features that enables Fleet customers to set up their organizational structure (POCs, Offices, Approvers for various Fleet offerings). This will provide  GSA Fleet users with a consolidated view of the customer Agency’s POCs and organizational structure for communication purposes which will help increase productivity.

Releasing CAMP has been an extensive effort that involved combining the functionality of two different legacy systems, CARS and MARS, into one unified product to provide a comprehensive platform to manage accident cases, modification & repair requests, and claims resolution for our GSA Fleet accident and maintenance centers (AMC) and claims resolution specialists.  CAMP is our first major release of functionality designed for internal users (Zonal operations, Maintenance Control Center (MCC), and AMC techs); this is a very exciting milestone.

The mileage reporting module allows for agency users of leased vehicles from GSA the ability to record mileage on a monthly basis. Additionally mileage captured by telematics devices and any mileage reporting at gas stations (GORP) are also fed to GSAFleet.Gov to generate monthly billing transactions for agency customers.
Mileage reporting is an important functionality for GSA Fleet that helps them and agency customers in various ways such as:
  • Utilization - Generating and then capturing mileage is an important indicator of how and if the vehicle is being used in support of its mission.
  • Accurate Vehicle Billing - Leased vehicles are charged a per mile rate and incorrect mileages will impact what customers are charged. Not reporting the correct mileage each month could lead to overcharges or a large bill at the end of the vehicle’s life.
  • Preventative Maintenance - The mileage determines when it's time for the next PM. Damage to the vehicle due to failure to obtain proper maintenance can be billed to the agency.
  • Vehicle Replacement - Accumulated miles driven and average monthly miles driven determine when a vehicle can be replaced. Erroneous mileages could delay customers eligibility for a new vehicle.
  • Fraud Indicator - Mileages are used to find potential fraud on fleet charge cards. Incorrect mileages can set off fraud alerts initiating an investigation into your fleet card usage.

The repairs functionality allows a repairs specialist to view all repair history for a vehicle, look up comments entered for the vehicles by FSR’s or repair specialist and the ability to create and authorize repair purchase orders for repair cost >= $10,000.

AIE functionality means the broad ability to bill back or refund GSA Fleet customers/vendors in a systematic manner. This functionality includes assessing AIE’s related to maintenance repair, accounting for repairing damage to a vehicle prior to sale, charging for diminished vehicle value after a vehicle sale, or even correcting billing errors. Broadly AIEs/Refunds can be thought in these categories:
  1. Generic AIE debiting and crediting charges (Business Management Owns)
  2. WEX AIEs related to the combo report (Business Management Owns)
  3. Maintenance and Repair AIEs
  4. WEX AIEs related to Auto Integrate
  5. Remarketing/Sales AIES
  6. Telematics AIEs
  7. FSR User Interface to review, assess, enter, and remove AIEs

Streamlines the vehicle procurement experience for Fleet Agency customers. The production release of Purchasing was the single largest and most important release we have deployed to to date. This was a huge accomplishment.

This release has been an extensive effort by two teams, over two years in the making. It is customer facing, giving a streamlined vehicle purchasing experience with increased visibility for all users across the ordering process.

This release:
  • Prevents option conflicts while building a vehicle-- a major feat of complex logic!
  • Improves order progress tracking for all users.
  • Improves integration with the Vehicle Availability List.
  • Most importantly, it will inform and strengthen the Leasing capability of the Store product.

This feature enables GSA Engineering to establish requirements and assign peers to review these utilizing the task manager. Once reviewed, the requirements are made publicly available for commenting.

This feature enables contracting officers to control all bid related activities including:
  • Selecting the vehicle supplier audience
  • Associating requirements and estimated quantities
  • Scheduling of bid period start, end, and re-open dates.

This feature enables vehicle suppliers to submit bids in response to GSA's requirements, and allows GSA contracting officers and engineers to run reports and evaluate submitted bids.

  • Vehicle Fleet Exchange capability enabling customers to schedule appointments for vehicle pickup from marshaling locations.
  • Sales capability to identify and prepare vehicles for sales after they have reached their end-of-life cycle.
  • Marshaling capability to enable Marshaling vendors to receive and load a vehicle in
  • Auctions capability to enable public users to view live sales scheduled across various auction houses.
  • Progressive Web Application (PWA): The PWA allows Marshalling vendors the ability to use capabilities in an offline mode.

The Leasing capability builds upon the purchasing capability, which other agencies use to place vehicle orders, to provide GSA Fleet the ability to procure vehicles to meet non-GSA agencies missions and needs. Additionally, Agencies’ fleet managers can request a replacement vehicle for a GSA leased asset that is nearing the end of its useful life.
  • The leasing request process incorporates an approval workflow for Bureau and Agency fleet managers, increasing transparency for all users into the process.
  • Other key aspects of this release that provide more modernized and user friendly approaches are:
    • Customers can submit requests to replace, turn in, or hold onto a vehicle for another year.
    • Integration of customer driven data to help reduce repetitive data entry that was required in legacy systems.
    • Inclusion of alternate approvers at each approval level will help speed up request timelines.
    • Streamlined the order process by linking a customer's request to the requisition and creation of an order to fulfill the request. (Fleet Service Representatives used to operate in three systems to be able to order a vehicle, and countless employee hours reviewing orders to ensure nothing was missed.)
    • Visibility for all users within the approval workflow as the vehicle request moves forwards; another improvement from the legacy systems.
    • Implemented leasing Order Guide (OG) that ability for an internal GSA user to retrieve list of available suppliers/models for a specific SIN includes for leasing:
      • Pre-configure the vehicle options displayed in compare and select based on availability
      • Select Make/Model
      • Define Alternative Fuel Vehicle (AFV) incremental/surcharge

This feature provides GSA Fleet Contracting Officers capabilities that:
  • Enable Contracting Officers to review and make adjustments to contract header and line items within the contract.
  • Receive new/updates to contract header from Federal Supply Services (FSS 19) contract export.
  • Enable contracting officers and Vehicle suppliers to access reports on contract line item data.
  • Provide history/versioning for any changes made to contract header or line items for the contract.