Personal Property Management System (PPMS)
The modernization objective for the Personal Property Management System (PPMS) is to replace the existing disparate systems into a single lean system with state-of-the-art technology for ease of operations and maintenance. The improved solution will be user-centric, scalable, and adaptable, utilizing Agile Development and GSA FCS hosting.

High-level summary of the PPMS modernization project, including its data model, and strategic objectives.
Read Overview
Detailed descriptions and visualizations of the various layers and APIs being used in the PPMS architecture.
System Architecture
Service descriptions for the various AWS services being used for the PPMS modernization along with other tools that interact with AWS.
Technical Approach

The Lessons Learned page is a retrospective conducted by the PPMS team detailing how they would approach their project if they had to do it again.
Lessons Learned