Cloud Forms & Templates
Tenants progressing through the Cloud Smart Journey will be asked to complete documents as necessary in order for CISS to develop a cloud strategy customized for each application and support the next phase of their journey.
Tenant Forms & Templates
Lean Intake Questionnaire
The Lean Intake Questionnaire provides CISS with an initial understanding of business objectives, project needs and high-level requirements so a preliminary Rationalization Strategy can be made.Cloud Smart Journey - Phase 0: Intake
Outcomes:- Preliminary Rationalization Strategy/Next Steps
- Determine Size, Scope and Complexity,
- Determine if additional/detailed assessment is recommended
Application & Data Requirements
Tenants use this template to describe how the application and data requirements satisfy the business and stakeholder needs.Cloud Smart Journey - Phase 0: Intake
Outcomes:- Develop Cloud Modernization Plan
- Unify FCS and tenant approach to cloud modernization
Test & Implementation Plan
Assist tenants to determine the effort needed to validate the quality of the application under test (Sample sections include: describing the test strategy, objectives, schedule, estimation and deliverables and resources required for testing).Cloud Smart Journey - All Phases
All Phases
Proof of Concept Requirements
Tenants define the problem statement, justify the Technical Proof of Concept, and explain how the Proof of Concept can solve the defined problems.Cloud Smart Journey - Phase 0: Intake
Outcomes- Justifies implementation is achievable
- Conceptual cloud architecture
- Cost estimate
Summary Report
Assist Tenants in documenting their results of application or system testing.Cloud Smart Journey - All Phases
Outcomes:- Summarize outcomes
- Update Cloud Modernization Plan
MVP Worksheet
The document provides a step-by-step guide to plan a Minimum Viable Product (MVP). This process is part of the agile MVP development framework.Cloud Smart Journey - Phase 2: Enablement
Outcomes:- Identified and prioritized features
- Outline what you need to get your MVP to market
Tenant Requirements (Shortened)
A condensed document to help tenants capture and communicate their requirements. This template is for tenants with New Feature Requests (NFRs) and basic requests.Cloud Smart Journey - All Phases
Outcomes:- Update Cloud Modernization Plan
- Unify FCS and tenant approach to cloud modernization
After Hours Support Request
Tenants use this document to gather the details needed to fill out the JIRA Off Hours Business Support.Cloud Smart Journey - All Phases
Outcomes:- JIRA after hours support ticket
Project Briefing Template
Tenants use this template to provide an overview of their project to a Working Group session. This includes the team, project objectives and goals, and key milestones.
Cloud Smart Journey - All Phases
Outcomes:- Gather feedback and buy-in from CAWG members
- Stakeholder analysis
GSA IT Design Guide
The purpose of this document is to provide design guidance to ensure the GSA IT brand is communicated correctly and presented consistently to your audience.Cloud Smart Journey - All Phases
Outcomes:- Presentation consistency