FedRAMP Status for AWS Services
GSA uses Amazon Web Services (AWS) to develop and host systems in the cloud. AWS offers over 100 unique services providing compute, storage, database storage, content delivery and other functionality that allow customers to build their own infrastructures and applications. Of these available services, only a select few are presently FedRAMP authorized, mostly in GovCloud.
Approved Services and Usage Conditions
In order for GSA to take full advantage of available services, the Office of the Chief Information Security Officer (OCISO) reviews non-FedRAMP authorized services for possible usage at GSA; requested services are subjected to a security review by the GSA Security Engineering Division (ISE) and approved by the GSA Chief Information Security Officer (CISO) with or without usage conditions.
Approved services and usage conditions can be found via this tracking document which details FedRAMP authorized services and services which have been reviewed and approved by the GSA CISO with and without usage conditions, as applicable. The tracking document is maintained by the OCISO Integrated Security Engineering (ISE) Division and reflects the current usage posture for individual AWS services within GSA. The list will be updated as new services and changes to existing services are evaluated by ISE and approved by the CISO.
For any questions related to AWS Services usage, approval process, or to initiate a service review, please contact the Security Engineering Division at SecEng@gsa.gov. The process typically takes 2-3 weeks; approvals are not a certainty and are a function of risk. Although not required, you can aid SecEng by completing this ISE AWS Service Template and submitting it as part of your request.