GEAR (GSA Enterprise Analytics and Reporting)
The official GSA resource for enterprise IT information is called the GSA EA Analytics & Reporting (GEAR) application. GEAR is responsible for maintaining the GSA Business Application Inventory, publishing the FISMA System inventory, is the official Enterprise Architecture repository, and hosts the official IT Standards List. FAS-IT is compliant with enterprise-wide technology approval processes and it participates in the upkeep and maintenance of it.
GEAR IT Standards List
The GEAR IT Standards List is the official list of technologies approved for use at GSA. GSA has developed its own internal process for the review and approval of candidate technologies for integration into the GSA Enterprise. A full outline of the IT Standards Approval process can be found below as well as a complete listing of 'Approved' technologies. As part of developing the FAS-IT Toolset, FAS-IT will consult and contribute to the IT Standards inventory through the GSA IT Standards Approval Process. Reach out to the GEAR point of contact at with any questions
GSA IT Standards List
GSA IT Stantards List (via GSA VPN)
GSA IT Standards Approval Process
GSA IT Standards Approval Process (via GSA VPN)
GEAR Business Application Inventory
The GEAR Business Application Inventory is a comprehensive list of available corporate systems currently deployed in the GSA enterprise; supporting various business functions and business lines. As FAS-IT modernizes and replaces existing systems, the GEAR Business Inventory will be provided with the appropriate updates in line with the changes; which means a list of retired systems and a list of new systems with relevant meta-data about them.
GSA Business Websites
GSA Business Websites (via GSA VPN)
GSA IT Service Desk
The GSA IT Service Desk is the single source for requesting desktop or enterprise IT support.
GSA IT Service Catalog
GSA IT Service Catalog (via GSA VPN)