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Glossary and Acronyms

A guide to GSA and technology modernization terminology.

Term / Acronym Definition
1102Federal Government job series number for procurement personnel
10QNorthwest and Arctic Region in Auburn, WA
11QNational Capital Region in Washington, DC
1QNew England Region, in Boston, MA
2GIT2nd Generation Information Technology
2QNortheast and Caribbean Region, in New York, NY
3PAOThird Party Assessment Organization
3QMid-Atlantic Region, in Philadelphia, PA
4PLFourth Party Logistics Program
4QSoutheast Sunbelt Region, in Atlanta, GA
5QGreat Lakes Region in Chicago, IL
6QHeartland Region in Kansas City, MO
7QGreater Southwest Region in Fort Worth, TX
8(a) StarsContract for acquiring IT services from small businesses
8QRocky Mountain Region in Denver, CO
9QPacific Rim Region in San Francisco, CA
AOffice of the Administrator
AGSA Administrator's Office
A&AAssessment and Authorization Process
AAAssociate Administrator
AAAAuthorization Accounting Activity
AAAPAutomated Advanced Acquisition Program
AABCAssociated Air Balance Council
AACAgency Address Code
AAMSAgency Asset Management System
AASAssisted Acquisition Services
ABAArchitectural Barriers Act
ABGAfrican Burial Ground
AbilityOneAbilityOne (formerly JWOD) provides employment opportunities for over 40,000 Americans who are blind or have other severe disabilities by orchestrating government purchases of products and services provided by nonprofit agencies employing such individuals throughout the country.
ACAssistant Commissioner
ACAcceptance Criteria
ACDAutomatic Call Distribution
ACESAccess Certificates for Electronic Services
ACHAutomated Clearing House
ACHPAdvisory Council on Historic Preservation
ACISAdvantage! Customer Information System
ACLAccess Control List
ACMAsbestos Containing Materials
ACMISAcquisition Career Management Information System
ACOAdministrative Contracting Officer
ACORAgency Contracting Officer's Representative
ACORNAgency Contract Register Nationwide
AcquisitionThe acquiring by contract with appropriated funds of supplies or services (including construction) by and for the use of the Federal Government through purchase or lease, whether the supplies or services are already in existence or must be created, developed, demonstrated, and evaluated. Acquisition begins at the point when agency needs are established and includes the description of requirements to satisfy agency needs, solicitation and selection of sources, award of contracts, contract financing, contract performance, contract administration, and those technical and management functions directly related to the process of fulfilling agency needs by contract.
Acquisition planA comprehensive plan for fulfilling the agency need in a timely manner and at a reasonable cost. It includes developing the overall strategy for managing the acquisition.
Acquisition planningThe process by which the efforts of all personnel responsible for an acquisition are coordinated and integrated through a comprehensive plan for fulfilling the agency need in a timely manner and at a reasonable cost. It includes developing the overall strategy for managing the acquisition.
Acquisition workforceProgram Managers, Project Managers, Procurement Technicians, Procurement Clerks, most CORs, and all personnel that are neither Contract Specialists nor certified Contracting Officers.
Acquisition, Policy and Oversight DivisionA division of a Federal Government contracting office responsible for policy implementation and quality control of contracting operations.
ACRAuthoritative Catalog Repository
ACSSAcquisition Center for Support Services
ACTAccounting Control Transaction
ADAAmericans with Disabilities Act
ADAAGAmericans with Disabilities Act Accessibility Guidelines
ADDAutomated Deployment Database
ADIDAtlanta Downtown Improvement District
ADPAutomated Data Processing
ADPIAir Diffusion Performance Index
ADRSee "Alternative dispute resolution"
ADRAAdministrative Dispute Resolution Act of 1986
ADSNAccounting and Disbursing Station Number
AEOAgency Ethics Official
AEPAmerican Electrical Power
AFBAir Force Base
AFICArmed Forces Inaugural Committee
AFVAlternative Fuel Vehicle
AGAcquisition Gateway
Aggregate award of all line items to one contractorAwarding all line items to a single contractor is usually appropriate when suppliers sell the contract items as an integrated unit.
Agile Approach to Federal Enterprise ArchitectureAgile is a term in Information Technology (IT) circles today that essentially means growth happens with small, iterative, customer-centric steps that produce results quickly. Agile EA is an approach to architecture development that is focused on small EA deliverables with the needs of the customer in mind. When starting to build (or rebuild) an agency's architecture, start small with one aspect that would benefit the stakeholders, and put something together. It doesn't have to be complete and polished, and actually shouldn't be. Each draft and subsequent improvement should be based on what will best fit the stakeholder's most immediate needs. The architecture should not be developed to serve the enterprise architect.
AHERAAsbestos Hazard Emergency Response Act
AHJAuthority Having Jurisdiction
AHUAir-Handling Unit
AIArticulation Index
AIAAmerican Institute of Architects
AIHAAmerican Industrial Hygiene Association
AIMSAdvertising & Integrated Marketing Solutions - Schedule 541
AISAutomated Information System
AKAAlso Known As
ALCAgency Location Code
AllocableA cost is properly allocable to a contract if it is incurred specifically for the contract or is incurred for another activity that also benefits the contract. With regard to the allocability of costs claimed, the COR must look for any direct costs that appear to have no connection with the contract work. If the COR cannot understand why the contractor would need billed materials or effort to perform the contract, then the costs may have been charged to the contract in error.
Alternative dispute resolutionADR includes dispute resolution processes and techniques that fall outside of the government judicial process. Despite historic resistance to ADR by both parties and their advocates, ADR has gained widespread acceptance among both the general public and the legal profession in recent years. In fact, some courts now require some parties to resort to ADR of some type, usually mediation, before permitting the parties' cases to be tried. The rising popularity of ADR can be explained by the increasing caseload of traditional courts, the perception that ADR imposes fewer costs than litigation and provides greater confidentiality. FAR 33.214 discusses ADR.
AMAcquisition Management
AMCAccident Management Center
AMDAcquisition Management Division
American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (Pub L. 111-5), is an economic stimulus package enacted by the 111th United States Congress in February 2009. The Act was intended to provide a stimulus to the U.S. economy in the wake of the economic downturn. The measures are nominally worth $787 billion. The Act includes federal tax cuts, expansion of unemployment benefits and other social welfare provisions, and domestic spending in education, health care, and infrastructure, including the energy sector. The Act also includes numerous non-economic recovery related items that were either part of longer-term plans (e.g. a study of the effectiveness of medical treatments) or desired by Congress (e.g. a limitation on executive compensation in federally aided banks). The ARRA is much larger than the Economic Stimulus Act of 2008, which consisted primarily of tax rebate checks.
AMIsAmazon Machine Images
AMSSAdvanced Mobile Satellite Service
ANIAutomatic Number Identification
ANSIAmerican National Standards Institute
ANSWERApplications'n Support for Widely-diverse EndUser Requirements
Anti-Deficiency ActThe Anti-Deficiency Act prohibits Government officials and employees from obligating or spending more money than has been made available by OMB, their agency, and the Finance Office. Violations of the Act could result in penalties including suspension without pay, removal from office, monetary fines, and/or jail time.
AOCArea of Consideration
AOsAuthorizing Officials
AOUSCAdministrative Office of the US Courts
APAccounts Payable
APSee "Acquisition plan"
APIApplication Programming Interface
APMAcquisition Planning Module
APOArea Property Officer
APOSee "Acquisition, Policy and Oversight Division"
APPASAssociate Performance Plan and Appraisal System
APRSAssociate Performance Recognition System
ARAccounts Receivable
ARBAcquisition Review Board
ARCAmerican Red Cross
ArchitectureThe structure of components, their inter-relationships, and the principles and guidelines governing their design and evolution overtime.
Architecture PatternAn architectural pattern represents a technology-agnostic view of system types and is designed to promote discourse on technology possibilities. Many concepts and patterns are contained in these and they are readily recognizable by almost anyone who has been involved in building transactional or analytical systems. FAS IT applies a pattern-oriented approach with two large-scale patterns to describe transactional and analytical systems when evaluating systems and planning migrations to the cloud.
ARFAction Request Form
ARIAir-conditioning and Refrigeration Institute
AROAfter Receipt of Order
ARPAArcheological Resources Protection Act
ARRASee "American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009"
ARTAdjustments, Receipts, and Transfers
ASCAccredited Standards Committee
ASCAccountable Station Code
ASCAccredited Standards Committee
ASCIIAmerican Standard Code for Information Exchange
ASDAllowable Stress Design
ASFAcquisition Services Fund
ASLAAmerican Society of Landscape Architects
ASPAggregate Systems Procurements
ASSISTAssisted Services Information System (ASSIST)
ATISAlliance for Telecommunications Industry Solutions
ATMAsynchronous Transfer Mode
ATMSAsynchronous Transfer Mode Service
ATSAutomatic Transfer Switches
AUAuthorized Users
AUOArea Utilization Officer
AWSAlternative Work Schedule
AWSAmazon Web Services
BABorrowing Authority
BABudget Activity
BAABroad Agency Announcement
BAFOBest and final offer; see also "Final proposal revision"
BARTBilled Accounts Receivable Tracking
BASBuilding Automation System
BBFYBeginning Budget Fiscal Year
BCCBackup Control Center
BCEGSA Financial and Payroll Services Division
BCMBureau Certification Manager
BCRBusiness Change Request
BEABudget Enforcement Act of 1990
BERBuilding Engineering Report
Best valueThe expected outcome of an acquisition that, in the Government's estimation, provides the greatest overall benefit in response to the requirement.
BFVBi-fuel Vehicles
BFYBudget Fiscal Year
BIABrick Institute of America
BICBest in Class
BIDBusiness Improvement District
BIMBuilding Information Modeling
BISBuilding Information System
Blanket purchase agreementA simplified method of filling anticipated repetitive needs for supplies or services by establishing “charge accounts” with qualified sources of supply.
BLCCBuilding Life Cycle Cost
BOABasis of Award
BOABasic ordering agreement
BOACBuildings Officials and Code Administrators Internationals, Inc.
BOACBilled Office Address Code
BOLBill of Lading
BOMBack Office Modernization
BOMABuildings Owners and Managers Association
BPABlanket Purchasing Agreement
BPNBusiness Partner Network
BPPBuildings Preservation Plan
BPRBusiness Process Re-engineering
BRMThe Business Reference Model (BRM) describes an organization through a taxonomy of common mission and support service areas instead of through a stove-piped organizational view, thereby promoting intra- and inter-agency collaboration. (FEAF)
BSCBuilding Security Committee
BSOBasic Safety Objective
BSPCBorder Station Partnership Council
BTSDirectorate of Border and Transportation Security
BundlingConsolidating two or more requirements for supplies or services previously provided or performed under separate smaller contracts, into a solicitation for a single contract that is likely to be unsuitable for award to a small business concern.
Business ApplicationAn Application is a piece of software which a customer uses to perform at least one business capability within GSA. GSA applications have these characteristics: - Requires funding (costs including: planning/project management, ATO, security scanning/monitoring, infrastructure/hosting support, change requests, FTE hours) - Responsible POCs (business, technical, organizational) - Uses / processes data (including business intelligence) - Deployed on production environment (deployed on server) - Supported by technologies/IT Tools (database, servers, programming language)
Business FunctionA function that delivers business capabilities closely aligned to an organization, but not necessarily explicitly governed by the organization. In FEAF, it is defined as a function that describes what the Federal government does at an aggregated level, using the budget function classification codes provided in OMB Circular A-11
Buy American ActThe Buy American Act requires that only domestic end products be acquired for public use, except for articles, materials, and supplies under certain circumstances.
BVDBest Value Determination
BYODBring Your Own Device
CAContract Administrator
CACloud Advocate
CACloud Advisory
CAACivilian Agency Acquisition (Council)
CaaSContainerization as a Service
CACCeiling Attenuation Class
CACOChief Acquisition Officers Council
CADComputer Aided Design
CAFCustomer Address File
CAFContract Access Fee
CAFContractor Address File
CAFMComputer Aided Facilities Management
CAGCustomer Assistance Guide
CAGECommercial and Government Entity
CALMContract Acquisition Lifecycle Management
CAMEOCIO Application Maintenance, Enhancements, and Operations
CAMSCapital Asset Management System
CANDECommand and Edit -- an MCS used to interact with Unisys MCP running on ClearPath
CapabilityAn ability that an organization, person, or system possesses. Capabilities are typically expressed in general and high-level terms and typically require a combination of organization, people, processes, and technology to achieve. For example, marketing, customer contact, or outbound telemarketing.
Capability Based PlanningCapability based planning is the planning, engineering, and delivery of strategic business capabilities to the enterprise. It is business-driven and business-led and combines the requisite efforts of all lines of business to achieve the desired capability. Capability-based planning accommodates most, if not all, of the corporate business models and is especially useful in organizations where a latent capability to respond (e.g., an emergency preparedness unit) is required and the same resources are involved in multiple capabilities.Often the need for these capabilities are discovered and refined using business scenarios. From an enterprise architecture and IT perspective, capability-based planning is a powerful mechanism to ensure that the strategic business plan drives the enterprise from a top-down approach. It is also adaptable with capability engineering to leverage emerging bottom-up innovations.
CAPECenter for Acquisition Professional Excellence
CARCustomer Accounts and Research
CARFAS Office of Customer Accounts and Research
CASCost Accounting Standards
CASEContractor and Stakeholder Engagement
CAsIContractor Assessment Initiative
CASOGSA Chief Administrative Services Office
CASOChief Asset Supply Officer
CATCloud Acquisition Tools
CATEXCategorical Exclusion
CAVContractor Assistance Visit
CBACentrally Billed Account
CBACollective Bargaining Agreement
CBCACivilian Board of Contract Appeals
CBDCommerce Business Daily
CBGCombined Billing Generator
CBLCommercial Bill of Lading
CBPSee "U.S. Customs and Border Protection"
CCCommon Components - monitoring, networking, platform (cloud services)
CC[NATO] Country Code
CCBChange Control Board
CCBConfiguration Control Board
CCDCCentre City Development Corporation
CCFCommercial contract format
CCFFCost Plus Fixed-Fee
CCMGCentral Courthouse Management Group
CCOSee "Chief of the Contracting Office"
CCRCentral Contractor Registration
CCTVClosed Circuit TV
CDContinuous Delivery
CDDCurriculum Design Document
CDOChief Data Officer
CDRCritical Design Reviews
CDRGCatastrophic Disaster Response Group
CDRLContract Data Requirements List
CDSCellular Dispatch Service
CDWCollision Damage Waiver
CECost Element
CECloud Enablement
CECost Element
CEMPCode of Environmental Management Principles
Central Contractor Registration databaseThe CCR is the primary Government repository for contractor information required for the conduct of business with the Government.
CEQCouncil on Environmental Quality (White House)
CERCost Estimating Relationships
CERCLAComprehensive, Environmental, Response, Compensation, and Liability Act
Certificate of CompetencyThe certificate issued by the Small Business Administration (SBA) stating that the holder is responsible (with respect to all elements of responsibility, including, but not limited to, capability, competency, capacity, credit, integrity, perseverance, tenacity, and limitations on subcontracting) for the purpose of receiving and performing a specific Government contract.
Certified cost or pricing dataIncludes all facts that, as of the date of price agreement that prudent buyers and sellers would reasonably affect price negotiations significantly. Cost or pricing data are factual, not judgmental, and include facts forming the basis for future cost projections, contributing to soundness of estimates, and contributing to the validity of costs already incurred.
CETTCloud Enablement Triage Team
CEUsContinuing Education Units
CFCCombined Federal Campaign
CFDACatalog of Federal Domestic Assistance
CFLComputers for Learning
CFM&HCenter for Facilities Maintenance and Hardware's
CFMSComprehensive Furniture Management Services
CFOChief Financial Officer
CFO ActChief Financial Officers Act of 1990
CFRCode of Federal Regulations
CGSee "Comptroller General"
CGFMCertified Government Financial Managers
CGPCoalition for Government Procurement
CGSCost of Goods Sold
CHAMPCentralized Household Goods Traffic Management Program, GSA
Change orderA written order, signed by the contracting officer, directing the contractor to make a change that the Changes clause authorizes the contracting officer to order without the contractor's consent.
CHCOChief Human Capital Officer
Chief of the Contracting OfficeThe highest level procurement official in a Federal Government contracting office.
CHPCombined heat and power
CHRISComprehensive Human Resources Integrated System
CISee "Commercial item"
CIContinuous Integration
CI/CDContinuous Improvement/Continuous Delivery
CI/CDContinuous Integration/Continuous Deployment
CIACongressional & Intergovernmental Affairs
CICCustomer Identification Code
CICCloud Information Center
CICACompetition in Contracting Act
CIFMComputer Integrated Facilities Management
CIOChief Information Officer
CIRCommitted Information Rate
CISACertified Information Systems Auditors
CISOChief Information Security Officer
CISSCenter for Information Security Services
CISSComprehensive Infrastructure Support Services
CISSCloud Integration Shared Services
Civilian Board of Contract AppealsThe CBCA was established by section 847 of the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2006 to hear and decide contract disputes between government contractors and executive agencies under the provisions of the Contract Disputes Act of 1978, 41 U.S.C. §§ 601-613, and regulations and rules issued under that statute. The Board's authority extends to all agencies other than the Department of Defense, the Department of the Army, the Department of the Navy, the Department of the Air Force, the National Aeronautics and Space Administration, the United States Postal Service, the Postal Rate Commission, and the Tennessee Valley Authority.
CLContinuous Learning
ClaimA written demand or written assertion by one of the contracting parties seeking, as a matter of right, the payment of money in a sum certain, the adjustment or interpretation of contract terms, or other relief arising under or relating to the contract.
ClauseSee "Contract clause"
CLGChange to Lower Grade
CLGCertified Local Governments
CLINContract Line Item Number
CLLICommon Language Location Identifier
CloudCloud indicates the hosting location of the data. If the data are not on Cloud, the Hosting Provider is GSA. Otherwise, if the data are on cloud, the Hosting Provider is an external provider.
CLPContinuous Learning Point
CMConstruction Manager
CMChange Management -- the management of all system changes (ie, authorization for changes, gate validation, documentation, deployment authorization).
CMACertified Management Accountants
CMCCertified Management Consultants
CMDBChange Management Database
CMLSCentralized Mailing List Service
CMMICapability Maturity Model Integration
CMMSComputerize Maintenance Management System
CMRCommercial Market Representative
CMRSConnections Management Reporting System
CMSContent Management System
CMSContinuous Monitoring Service
CNGCompressed Natural Gas
COCentral Office, GSA
COSee "Contracting Officer"
COCCertificate of Competency
CODBCombined Oracle DataBase
COECenter of Excellence
COGContinuity of Government
COIClient Order Information
COISee "Conflict of interest"
COMETCIO Modernization and Enterprise Transformation
Commercial itemAny item, other than real property, that is of a type customarily used by the general public or by non-governmental entities for purposes other than governmental purposes, and has been sold, leased, or licensed to the general public; or has been offered for sale, lease, or license to the general public.
Commercially available off-the-shelfCommonly referred to as COTS, these are commercial items that are sold in large quantities and provided to the Government in exactly the same form as available commercially.
Community Development CorporationAn organization that has received financial assistance under the Community Economic Development Act of 1981.
Competition in Contracting ActA Federal Law, 41 U.S.C. 253, CICA requires competition for the award of all types of government contracts. The purpose is to increase the number of competitors and to increase savings through lower, more competitive pricing.
Comptroller GeneralThe Comptroller General of the United States is the director of the Government Accountability Office (GAO, formerly known as the General Accounting Office), a legislative branch agency founded by Congress in 1921 to ensure the fiscal and managerial accountability of the Federal Government.
COMSCommunications Management System -- an MCS used with Unisys ClearPath
COMSECCommunications Security
ConcernAny business entity organized for profit (even if its ownership is in the hands of a nonprofit entity) with a place of business located in the United States and which makes a significant contribution to the U.S. economy through payment of taxes and/or use of American products, material and/or labor, etc. "Concern" includes but is not limited to an individual, partnership, corporation, joint venture, association, or cooperative. For the purpose of making affiliation findings (see 19.101) any business entity, whether organized for profit or not, and any foreign business entity, i.e., any entity located outside the United States, shall be included.
ConfigurationA configuration is where you use native tools and capabilities in the system to change its behavior or features. Configuration changes are expected to be carried forward with no or minimal attention when new releases of the base software are deployed
Conflict of interestOrganizational conflict of interest means that, because of other activities or relationships with other persons, a person is unable, or potentially unable, to render impartial assistance or advice to the Government, or the person's objectivity in performing the contract work is or might be otherwise impaired, or a person has an unfair competitive advantage.
CONOPSConcept of Operations
CONPLANConcept of Operations Plan
ContingencyA possible future event or condition arising from known or unknown causes, the outcome of which is not currently determinable
ContractA mutually binding legal relationship obligating the seller to furnish the supplies or services (including construction) and the buyer to pay for them. It includes all types of commitments that obligate the Government to an expenditure of appropriated funds and that, except as otherwise authorized, are in writing. In addition to bilateral instruments, contracts include (but are not limited to) awards and notices of awards; job orders or task letters issued under basic ordering agreements; letter contracts; orders, such as purchase orders, under which the contract becomes effective by written acceptance or performance; and bilateral contract modifications. Contracts do not include grants and cooperative agreements covered by 31 U.S.C.6301, et seq. For discussion of various types of contracts. See FAR Part 16.
Contract clauseA term or condition used in contracts or in both solicitations and contracts, and applying after contract award or both before and after award.
Contract requirementsContract requirements include more than just product requirements. They include any element of the solicitation or contract that defines what the contractor must do to complete the contract successfully.
Contracting OfficerA person with the authority to enter into, administer, and/or terminate contracts and make related determinations and findings. The term includes certain authorized representatives of the contracting officer acting within the limits of their authority as delegated by the contracting officer. “Administrative contracting officer (ACO)” refers to a contracting officer who is administering contracts. “Termination contracting officer (TCO)” refers to a contracting officer who is settling terminated contracts. A single contracting officer may be responsible for duties in any or all of these areas.
Contracting Officer's Technical RepresentativeSee "Contracting Officer's Representative"
Contracting Officer's RepresentativeAn individual designated and authorized in writing by the contracting officer to perform specific technical or administrative functions.
ContractorA business or corporation under contract to provide materials or labor to another entity.
Contractor Performance Assessment Reporting SystemCPARS is a web-enabled application that collects and manages the library of automated CPARs in order to assess a contractor's performance and provide a record, both positive and negative, on a given contractor during a specific period of time. CPARS is for UNCLASSIFIED use only. Each assessment is based on objective facts and supported by program and contract management data, such as cost performance reports, customer comments, quality reviews, technical interchange meetings, financial solvency assessments, construction/production management reviews, contractor operations reviews, functional performance evaluations, and earned contract incentives.
CONUSContinental United States
COOPContinuity of Operations Plan
COOP PURCHCooperative Purchasing
COPSCity Pairs Offer Preparation System
CORSee "Contracting Officer's Technical Representative"
CORContracting Officer's Representative
CORSContracting Officer Review System
COSChief of Staff
COSClass of Service
Cost analysisDetermines how much it costs a contractor to make a product or provide a service.
Cost contractThe contractor is reimbursed for actual allowable costs with no fee.
Cost realismInvolves an independent review of each cost element to determine if that element is realistic, reflects the contract requirements, and is consistent with the contractor's proposal.
Cost realism analysisThe process of independently reviewing and evaluating specific elements of each offeror's proposed cost estimate to determine whether the estimated proposed cost elements are realistic for the work to be performed
Cost-based formulaCost-based = Production cost + Reasonable profit
Cost-based pricingA cost-based pricing approach combines the seller's cost to produce a product with a reasonable profit. Cost is based on production methods, product sales volume, and accounting methods.
Cost-plus-award-fee contractA cost-reimbursement contract that provides for a fee consisting of (1) a base amount fixed at inception of the contract and (2) an award amount that the contractor may earn in whole or in part during performance and that is sufficient to provide motivation for excellence in such areas as quality, timeliness, technical ingenuity, and cost-effective management. The amount of the award fee to be paid is determined by the Government's judgmental evaluation of the contractor's performance in terms of the criteria stated in the contract. This determination and the methodology for determining the award fee are unilateral decisions made solely at the discretion of the Government.
Cost-plus-fixed-fee contractA cost-reimbursement contract that provides for payment to the contractor of a negotiated fee that is fixed at the inception of the contract. The fixed fee does not vary with actual cost, but may be adjusted as a result of changes in the work to be performed under the contract. This contract type permits contracting for efforts that might otherwise present too great a risk to contractors, but it provides the contractor only a minimum incentive to control costs.
Cost-plus-incentive-fee contractA cost-reimbursement contract that provides for the initially negotiated fee to be adjusted later by a formula based on the relationship of total allowable costs to total target costs. This contract type specifies a target cost, a target fee, minimum and maximum fees, and a fee adjustment formula. After contract performance, the fee payable to the contractor is determined in accordance with the formula. The formula provides, within limits, for increases in fee above target fee when total allowable costs are less than target costs, and decreases in fee below target fee when total allowable costs exceed target costs. This increase or decrease is intended to provide an incentive for the contractor to manage the contract effectively. When total allowable cost is greater than or less than the range of costs within which the fee-adjustment formula operates, the contractor is paid total allowable costs, plus the minimum or maximum fee.
Cost-plus-percentage-of- cost contractA cost-reimbursement contract that provides a fee that rises as the contractor's cost rise. Because this contract type provides no incentive for the contractor to control costs it is rarely utilized. The U.S. Federal Acquisition Regulations specifically prohibit the use of this type for U.S. Federal Government contracting (FAR Part 16.102).
Cost-reimbursement contractA contract that reimburses the contractor for some or all of the allowable actual costs. See also "Cost-plus-award-fee contract", "Cost-plus-fixed-fee contract", "Cost-plus-incentive-fee contract", and "Cost-plus-percentage-of-cost contract".
Cost-sharing contractThe contractor and Government share the costs.
COTSSee "Commercially available off-the-shelf"
COTSCustom Off The Shelf -- a form of customizable software solutioning
COWPContracting Officers Warrant Program
CPCommand Post
CPContingency Plan
CPAFSee "Cost-plus-award-fee contract"
CPARSContractor Performance Assessment Reporting System
CPCConsolidated Processing Center
CPESComprehensive Professional Energy Services
CPES BPAsComprehensive Professional Energy Services BPA
CPFFSee "Cost-plus-fixed-fee contract"
CPGComprehensive Procurement Guideline
CPIConsumer Price Index
CPICCapital Planning and Investment Control
CPIFSee "Cost-plus-incentive-fee contract"
CPOChief People Officer
CPOChief Procurement Officer
CPPCity Pairs Program
CPSCustomer Profile System
CPTEDCrime Prevention Through Environmental Design
CPVCChlorinated Polyvinyl Chloride
Cr.Credit (journal voucher)
CRBContract Review Board
CRCCost Reimbursable Contractor
CREMPComprehensive Real Estate Master Program
CRFCarpet and Rug Institute
CRLCertification Revocation List
CRMCultural Resources Management
CRMCustomer Relationship Management
CRSCommuted Rate Schedule
CSContracting Specialist
CSCClient/Customer Support Centers
CSCCourt Security Committee
CSDCustomer Service Director
CSDSCircuit Switched Data Service
CSICustomer Satisfaction Index
CSICritical Safety Items
CSMCustomer Service Manager
CSMContract Service Management
CSM-DContract Service Management Division
CSOCustomer Service Office
CSPCommercial Sales Practices
CSPCloud Service Provider
CSRCustomer Service Representatives
CSSCircuit Switched Service
CTAContractor Teaming Arrangement
CTAGContract Tab Advisory Guide (CTAG) FAS developed the Contract Tab Advisory Guide, which required similar documents to be filed together under specific tabs. The guide is intended to simplify the process of locating documents by contracting personnel. In addition, the guide was designed to promote compliance with FAR 4.802(c)(2), which states that files must be maintained to ensure documentation is readily accessible to principal users, such as FAS contracting personnel.
CTCCommercial Traffic Company, The (GSA Prepayment & Postpayment Audit Contractor)
CTOOffice of the Chief Technology Officer
CTQCritical to Quality
CTSComprehensive Telecommunications Service
CUIControlled Unclassified Information
Cure noticeA notification provided by the Government to a contractor prior to termination for cause or default. The notification describes the contractor's failure that endangers performance of the contract and specifies the time frame during which the contractor must correct, or cure, the failure. If the failure is not corrected within the stated time frame, the Government may terminate the contract.
Current revenueThe current revenue strategy focuses on maximizing current revenue rather than on maximizing profit or long-term revenue.
CustomizationA customization is a feature, extension, or modification that requires custom coding and or some form of implementation and is likely to need rework and/or manual testing when new releases of base (non-customized) software product are deployed. Customization changes are expected to involve additional costs.
CVSCellular Voice Service
CWCCall Work Code
CWHSSAContract Work Hours Safety Standards Act
CWMConstruction Waste Management
CXCustomer Experience
CZMCoastal Zone Management
D&BDun and Bradstreet
D&FDetermination and findings
DADispatch Agent
DAADesignated Approving Authority
DAEDisaster Assistance Employee
DAODesignated Agency Official
DARDesignated Agency Representative
DARDefense Acquisition Regulation
DAUDefense Acquisition University
DAWDirector of Acquisition Workforce.
DBADavis Bacon Act
DCAASee "Defense Contract Audit Agency"
DCIADebt Collection Improvement Act of 1996
DCODefense Coordinating Officer
DCVDemand Controlled Ventilation
DDCDirect Digital Control
DDDDesired Delivery Date
DDSDomestic Delivery Service
DDS2Domestic Delivery Service II
De-obligationIf there is no known potential for excess funds to be used in the future on the contract, a recommendation should be made to the Contracting Officer for the de-obligation of the funds. To de-obligate funds, the Contracting Officer issues a bilateral modification to the contract, de- obligating and removing the excess funds (i.e., removing the monetary liability of the Government).
DebarmentAction taken by a debarring official to exclude a contractor from Government contracting and Government-approved subcontracting for a reasonable, specified period.
DECDisaster Emergency Council
Defense Contract Audit AgencyThe Defense Contract Audit Agency, under the authority, direction, and control of the Under Secretary of Defense (Comptroller), is responsible for performing all contract audits for the Department of Defense, and providing accounting and financial advisory services regarding contracts and subcontracts to all Department of Defense Components responsible for procurement and contract administration. These services are provided in connection with negotiation, administration, and settlement of contracts and subcontracts. DCAA also provides contract audit services to the Department of Homeland Security through an inter-agency agreement.
DefinitizationThe need for the Contracting Officer to define, negotiate and finalize, in arrears, the full terms and conditions of pre-approved contractor performance prior to a written and executed contract.
Delivery orderAn order for supplies placed against an established contract or with Government sources.
Demand differentialIn demand differential pricing, price varies by market segment. Prices may vary from customer to customer, from geographic area to geographic area, and from day to day.
Department of DefenseThe United States Department of Defense is the Federal department charged with coordinating and supervising all agencies and functions of the Government relating directly to national security and the military. The organization and functions of the DOD are set forth in Title 10 of the United States Code. The DOD is the major tenant of The Pentagon building near Washington, D.C., and has three major components – the Department of the Army, the Department of the Navy, and the Department of the Air Force. Among the many DOD agencies are the Missile Defense Agency, the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA), the Pentagon Force Protection Agency (PFPA), the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA), the National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency (NGA), and the National Security Agency (NSA). The department also operates several joint service schools, including the National War College.
Department of Homeland SecurityThe United States Department of Homeland Security has the primary responsibilities of protecting the territory of the U.S. from terrorist attacks and responding to natural disasters. Whereas the Department of Defense is charged with military actions abroad, the Department of Homeland Security works in the civilian sphere to protect the United States within, at, and outside its borders. Its stated goal is to prepare for, prevent, and respond to domestic emergencies, particularly terrorism.
DESData Exchange Specification
DESCDefense Energy Support Center
Design PatternDesign Patterns are repeatable and sound ways to address common problems. There are many published design patterns. A documented pattern will have a concise declaration of the pattern, an example, a problem statement, and an abstract solution. The pattern might further include one or more technical implementation possibilities. Many of the plays in the IT Playbook, can be understood as simple or composite design patterns FAS IT applies a pattern-oriented approach when evaluating systems and planning migrations to the cloud.
Design-to-costAn estimating technique that constrains design options to a fixed cost limit. The cost limit is usually what the buyer can pay or what the marketplace demands. An affordable product is obtained by treating target cost as an independent design parameter that needs to be achieved during the development.
DESTDomestic Emergency Support Team
DeterminationsThere are various types of determinations. For example, there are determinations associated with commercial items (commerciality determination), Government property (whether to furnish it and what type to furnish), and the type of services to be acquired (advisory and assistance, personal versus non-personal).
DevOpsAn amalgamation of two terms, Development and Operations. It has led to Continuous Delivery, Integration, and Deployment and therefore reduces boundaries between the development team and the operations team. Heavy applications and software need elaborate and complex tech stacks that demand extensive labor to develop and configure which can easily be eliminated by cloud computing. It offers a wide range of tools and technologies to build, test, and deploy applications with a few minutes and a single click. They can be customized as per the client requirements and can be discarded when not in use hence making the process seamless and cost-efficient for development teams.
DFADirect Federal Assistance
DFARSDefense Federal Acquisition Regulation Supplement
DFASDefense Finance & Accounting Service
DFCDisaster Finance Center
DFODisaster Field Office (Obsolete)
DHHSDepartment of Health and Human Services
DHSDepartment of Homeland Security
DistributedDistributed, in an information technology (IT) context, means that something is shared among multiple systems which may also be in different locations.
Distributed SystemA distributed system consists of multiple software components that are on multiple computers, but run as a single system. The computers in a distributed system can be physically close together and connected by a local network, or they can be geographically distant and connected by a wide area network. The goal of distributed computing is to make such a network work as a single computer with the following benefits: - Scalability: The system can easily be expanded by adding more machines as needed. - Redundancy: Several machines can provide the same services, so if one is unavailable, work does not stop. In a cloud model, data and applications are served to users over the Internet. Distributed, in an information technology (IT) context, means that something is shared among multiple systems which may also be in different locations
DITYDo-It-Yourself (moves)
DLADefense Logistics Agency
DLATSDefense Logistics Agency Troop Support
DLMSDefense Logistics Management System
DLMSDefense Logistics Management Standards
DLSData Link Switching
DM&EDevelopment Modernization & Enhancement
DMATDisaster Medical Assistance Team
DMORTDisaster Morturary Team
DNIDialed Number Identification
DNISDialed Number Identification Service
DODisbursing Office
DOADate of Award
DOCDisaster Operations Center
DOCDepartment of Commerce
DoDDepartment of Defense
DoDAACDepartment of Defense Activity Address Code
DOEDepartment of Energy
DOIDepartment of the Interior
DOJDepartment of Justice
DOLDepartment of Labor
Domain Driven DesignDomain Driven Design (DDD) is the practice of matching software structures and classes with business concepts. One artifact of DDD is the production of a domain model that is both a reflection of the business and is reflected in the software. One key or defining concept in DDD is "ubiquitous language". When DDD is implemented well, everyone from the software developer on up to the domain SME will speak it and readily understand each other.
DOMSDirector of Military Support
DOSDepartment of State
DOTDepartment of Transportation
DOTyDepartment of Treasury
DPADefense Production Act of 1950
DPASDefense Priorities and Allocations System
DPMDirect Procurement Method
DPPRSDomestic Personal Property Rate Solicitation
Dr.Debit (journal voucher)
DRCDisaster Recovery Center
DRECDeputy Regional Emergency Coordinator
DRFDisaster Relief Fund
DRMDisaster Recovery Manager
DS0Digital Signal 0 (includes both 56 kb/s and 64 kb/s)
DS1Digital Signal 1
DS1CDigital Signal 1C (3.152 Mb/s)
DS3Digital Signal 3
DSADigital Signature Algorithm
DSBSDynamic Small Business Search
DSSDigital Signature Solution
DSSRDepartment of State Standardized Regulations
DSUData Service Unit
DTCSee "Design-to-cost"
DTEDisaster Temporary Employee
DTMOThe Defense Travel Management Office
DTODDefense Table of Official Distances
DTRDefense Transportation Regulation
DTRDocker Trusted Registry
DTSDedicated Transmission Service
DUADisaster Unemployment Assistance
DUNSData Universal Numbering System
DVDDigital Video Disc
DWIDisaster Welfare Information
DXDigital Experience
E.O.See "Executive Order"
E&KEdwards and Kelcey Engineers, Inc.
E2EEnd-to-End; a form of testing, usually used in System Integration and UAT Testing
EAEnterprise Architecture
EaaSEmail as a Service
EABEnterprise Architecture Board
EADSEnergy Asset Disposal System
EAGLESee "Enterprise Acquisition Gateway for Leading Edge Solutions contract"
eApprovalElectronic Approval
Earned value managementA project management technique for measuring project progress in an objective manner. EVM has the ability to combine measurements of scope, schedule, and cost in a single integrated system. When properly applied, EVM provides an early warning of performance problems. Additionally, EVM promises to improve the definition of project scope, prevent scope creep, communicate objective progress to stakeholders, and keep the project team focused on achieving progress.
EASEnterprise Acquisition Solution
EBFYEnding Budget Fiscal Year
EBTAEverything But The App - a deployment service for deploying traditional stack applications provided by FCS built on top of AWS Cloudformation
ECEmergency Coordinator
EC2Elastic Cloud Compute - a service that provides secure, resizable compute capacity in the Cloud
eCATElectronic Catalogue
ECMSElectronic Content Management System
Economically disadvantagedEconomically disadvantaged individuals are socially disadvantaged individuals whose ability to compete in the free enterprise system is impaired due to diminished opportunities to obtain capital and credit as compared to others in the same line of business who are not socially disadvantaged. Individuals who certify that they are members of named groups (Black Americans, Hispanic Americans, Native Americans, Asian-Pacific Americans, Subcontinent-Asian Americans) are to be considered socially and economically disadvantaged. See FAR 19.001.
Economically disadvantaged women- owned small business concernA small business concern that is at least 51 percent directly and unconditionally owned by, and the management and daily business operations of which are controlled by, one or more women who are citizens of the United States and who are economically disadvantaged in accordance with 13 CFR part 127. It automatically qualifies as a women-owned small business concern eligible under the WOSB Program.
eCPICElectronic Capital Planning and Investment Control
ECRMEnterprise Customer Relationship Management
ECSElectronic Certification System
ECSElastic Container Service -- a service provided by AWS
EDAEnterprise Data Architecture
EDDExtended Direct Delivery
EDIElectronic Data Interchange
EDICSEquipment Depreciation Inventory Control System
EDMSElectronic Document Management System
EDWOSBSee "Economically disadvantaged women-owned small business concern"
EEIEssential Elements of Information
EEOEqual Employment Opportunity
EEOCEqual Employment Opportunity Commission
EFTElectronic Funds Transfer
EIEnvironmental Information
EIAElectronic Industries Alliance Standards
EINEmployer Identification Number
EISEnvironmental Impact Statement
EISEnterprise Infrastructure Solutions
EISAEnergy Independence and Security Act
EITElectronic and Information Technology
EJEnvironmental Justice
EKSElastic Kubernetes Service -- a service provided by AWS
ELCEnterprise License Agreement
Elements of Responsibility• Competency • Capability • Capacity • Credit • Integrity • Tenacity • Perseverance
ELRExecutive Level Review
EMEmergency Management
EMAEmergency Management Agency
EMIEmergency Management Institute
EMRElastic Map Reduce
EMSElectronic Messaging Service
EMTEmergency Medical Technician
ENRACEnvironmental Remediation and Construction contract
Enterprise Acquisition Gateway for Leading Edge Solutions contractThe Enterprise Acquisition Gateway for Leading-Edge Solutions contract is a multiple-award indefinite delivery/indefinite quantity (IDIQ) contract vehicle, specifically designed as the preferred source of information technology (IT) services for the majority of the Department of Homeland Security's (DHS) enterprise infrastructure and initiatives.
EOExecutive Order
EOCEmergency Operations Center
EODEnter on Duty
eOfferElectronic Offer
EOMEnd of Month
EOVExceeds Order Value
EP&REmergency Preparedness and Response
EPAEconomic Price Adjustment
EPAEnviornmental Protection Action
EPEATElectronic Products Environmental Assessment Tool
EPIC1 PI (Program Increment)
EPLSElectronic Pay and Leave Statement
EPLSExcluded Parties List System
EPREthylene Propylene Agency
EPSGEnvironmental Products and Services Guide
ERAElectronic Records Archive
ERGOErgonimic Item
ERRCEmployee Relocation Resource Center
ERSEmergency Relocation Site
ERTEmergency Response Team
ERT-AEmergency Response Team, Advance Element
ERT-NNational Emergency Response Team
ESAEnvironmental Site Assessment
ESCEconomic Security Corporation
ESCOEnergy Service Company
ESDEstimated Ship Date
ESFExtended Super Frame
ESIEnterprise Software Initiative
ESPCEnergy Savings Performance Contract
eSRSElectronic Subcontracting Reporting System
ESTEmergency Support Team (Obsolete)
ETCEmergency Transportation Center
ETSe-Gov Travel Service
ETS2E-Gov Travel System (2)
ETVEnvironmental Technology Verification
EULAEnd User License Agreement
EVMEarned Value Management
EVMSEarned Value Management System
Executive OrderExecutive Orders are issued by the President to provide further direction for the execution of Federal laws.
F&OSee "Full and open competition"
FAATFEMA Acronyms, Abbreviations, and Terms
FABSFinancial and Business Solutions
FACSee "Federal Acquisition Certification"
FAC-CFederal Acquisition Certification in Contracting from OMB/OFPP
FAC-P/PMSee "Federal Acquisition Certification – Program/Project Management"
FACAFederal Advisory Committee Act
FACNETFederal Acquisition Network
FAIFederal Acquisition Institute
Fair Market PriceA price based on reasonable costs under normal competitive conditions and not on lowest possible cost. See FAR 19.202-6.
FAKFreight All Kinds
FALCONFAS Acquisition Logistics Connect
FAMFinancial Audit Manual
FAMAFederal Administrative Management Association
Family or Group BuysThis option may be appropriate when you identify families or groups of line items that are made or sold by the same contractor.
FAQFrequently Asked Questions
FARFederal Acquisition Regulation
FARASee "Federal Acquisition Reform Act"
FASFederal Acquisition Services
FAS Cloud Shared ServicesThe collection of services that the FAS IT endorses and maintains.Typically, a Shared Service consists of a pattern (problem statement with solution), implementation code, and thorough documentation. The service is a solution that can be accessed by multiple tenant organizations to accomplish many things.
FASAFederal Acquisition Streamlining Act
FASABFederal Accounting Standards Advisory Board
FASTFlexible Acquisition and Sustainment Tool
FBIFederal Bureau of Investigation
FBOFederal Business Opportunities (FedBizOpps)
FCFloodplains CERT
FCCFederal Communications Commission
FCCFederal Supply Class
FCCFire Command Center
FCCSFederal Claims Collection Standards
FCICFederal Citizen Information Center
FCOFederal Coordinating Officer
FCPFAS Catalog Platform
FCRFirewall Change Request
FCRAFederal Credit Reform Act of 1990
FCSFAS (Federal Acquisition Service) Cloud Service
FCSFederal Catalog System (in context to NSNs and DLA)
FCS-DFCS Data - a data warehousing platform provided and managed by FCS
FCSAFuture Commercial Satellite Communications (COMSATCOM) Services Acquisition
FCWFederal Computer Week
FCXServices Acquisition Center
FDDIFiber Distributed Data Interface
FEBFederal Executive Board
FECCFederal Emergency Communications Coordinator
Fed LearnFederal Learning Technology Program
FED-STDFederal Standard
FedBizOppsSee "Federal Business Opportunities"
FEDCACFederal Computer Acquisition Center
Federal Acquisition CertificationThe process of certification of Federal acquisition workforce employees.
Federal Acquisition Certification – ContractingThe FAC-C Program establishes the minimum education, training, and experience requirements for contracting professionals in civilian agencies. It was established by OFPP Policy Letter 05-01 and OMB Memorandum, The Federal Acquisition Certification in Contracting Program, dated January 20, 2006. The intent of the FAC-C Program is to ensure that all contracting professionals throughout the Government are properly trained and qualified to effectively conduct the acquisition business of the Government. A similar program has existed in the Department of Defense for over a decade and is now being implemented in the civilian agencies. One must be FAC-C certified in order to be appointed as a Contracting Officer.
Federal Acquisition Certification – Program/Project ManagementThe Federal Acquisition Certification for Program and Project Managers (FAC-P/PM) establishes general training and experience requirements for program and project managers in civilian agencies. The FAC-P/PM focuses on essential competencies needed for program and project managers; the program does not include functional or technical competencies, such as those for information technology, or agency-specific competencies.
Federal Acquisition Reform ActThe Federal Acquisition Reform Act of 1995 includes provisions for full and open competition among contractors. This is accomplished by requiring high-level agency approval for non- competitive acquisitions and by requiring that all contractors eliminated from competition in a solicitation receive a debrief when one is requested.
Federal Acquisition RegulationThe overall governing Federal regulation related to acquisition of goods and services that applies to all federal agencies.
Federal Acquisition Streamlining ActOn October 13, 1994, President Clinton signed into law the Federal Acquisition Streamlining Act of 1994 (FASA). The comprehensive acquisition reform legislation streamlines the Federal Government's acquisition system and dramatically changes the way the Government performs its contracting functions. The statute seeks to: (1) increase the Government's reliance on commercial goods and services; (2) streamline the procurement process for high-volume, low- value acquisitions; (3) improve access by small businesses to government contracting opportunities; (4) improve the bid protest process; and (5) extend the Truth in Negotiations Act to civilian agencies and raise to $500,000 the threshold for submitting certified cost or pricing data under that Act.
Federal agencyAny executive agency or any independent establishment in the legislative or judicial branch of the Government (except the Senate, the House of Representatives, the Architect of the Capitol, and any activities under the Architect's direction).
Federal Business OpportunitiesSee "Governmentwide Point of Entry"
Federal Interagency Databases is an internet location for finding information related to federal interagency databases.
Federal Prison IndustriesFederal Prison Industries, Inc. (FPI), also referred to as UNICOR, is a self-supporting, wholly owned Government corporation of the District of Columbia. FPI provides training and employment for prisoners confined in Federal penal and correctional institutions through the sale of its supplies and services to Government agencies (18 U.S.C. 4121-4128).
Federal Procurement Data System-Next GenerationA publicly-accessible automated system that provides information about Government contracts valued at $3,000 or more.
Federal Property and Administrative Services ActThe Federal Property and Administrative Services Act of 1949 is a United States federal law that established the General Services Administration (GSA). The act also provides for various Federal Standards to be published by the GSA.
FedLearnFederal Learning Technology Program
FedRAMPFederal Risk and Authorization Management Program
FEDSFederal Disposal System
FEDSIMFederal Systems Integration and Management
FEDSTRIPFederal Standard Requisitioning and Issue Procedures
FEMAFederal Emergency Management Agency
FEMPFederal Energy Management Program
FESCFederal Emergency Support Coordinator
FFFreight Forwarder
FFATAFederal Funding Accountability and Transparency Act
FFPFirm Fixed Price
FFVFlexible Fuel Vehicle
FIBFFederal Integrated Business Framework
FICFeature Initiation Charge
FIDOSee "Federal Interagency Databases Online"
Final proposal revisionFormerly “BAFO,” a Final proposal revision is an offer submitted to the Government in a competitive negotiated procurement after discussions have been concluded. The Government will request such proposal revisions from all offerors still remaining in the competitive range.
FIPSFederal Information Processing Standards
Firm fixed-price contractProvides for a price that is not subject to any adjustment on the basis of the contractor's cost experience in performing the contract, therefore it pays the contractor a fixed amount. This type of contract is used for acquiring supplies or services when there are reasonably definite functional or detailed specifications, and the contracting officer can establish a fair and reasonable price at the time of contract award. This type of contract places upon the contractor the maximum risk and full responsibility for all costs and resulting profit or loss. It provides the maximum incentive for the contractor to control costs and perform effectively and imposes a minimal administrative burden upon the contracting parties.
FirstSourceFirstSource serves as a DHS department-wide small business set-aside procurement vehicle for IT commodities.
FISFederal Inspection Service
FISAFederal Information Security Act
FISMAFederal Information Security Management Act
FISSIP Federal Information Systems Support Program
Fixed-price contractProvides for payment of a fixed amount. See also "Firm fixed-price contract", "Fixed-price contract with award fee", "Fixed-price contract with economic price adjustment", "Fixed-price contract with redetermination", and "Fixed-price incentive-fee contract".
Fixed-price contract with award feeThe contractor is paid a fixed amount and may earn an award fee.
Fixed-price contract with economic price adjustmentA fixed-price contract with economic price adjustment contract provides for upward and downward revision of the stated contract price upon the occurrence of specified contingencies. Economic price adjustments are of three general types: (1) Adjustments based on established prices. These price adjustments are based on increases or decreases from an agreed-upon level in published or otherwise established prices of specific items or the contract end items. (2) Adjustments based on actual costs of labor or material. These price adjustments are based on increases or decreases in specified costs of labor or material that the contractor actually experiences during contract performance. (3) Adjustments based on cost indexes of labor or material. These price adjustments are based on increases or decreases in labor or material cost standards or indexes that are specifically identified in the contract.
Fixed-price contract with redeterminationThe contractor is paid a fixed amount for the initial period. Amounts for subsequent periods are adjusted, based on actual costs incurred.
Fixed-price incentive-fee contractA fixed-price incentive contract is a fixed-price contract that provides for adjusting profit and establishing the final contract price by application of a formula based on the relationship of total final negotiated cost to total target cost. The final price is subject to a price ceiling, negotiated at the outset.
FLEField-Level Encryption
FLEETOffice of Fleet Management
FLETCFederal Law Enforcement Training Center
FLSField Level Security
FLSAFair Labor Standards Act
FMFinancial Manager
FMFactory Mutual Engineering and Research Corporation
FMCFederal Maritime Commission
FMEAFailure Mode and Effects Analysis
FMFIAFederal Managers Financial Integrity Act
FMISFederal Management Information System
FMPFederal Marketplace
FMPFederal Marketplace Strategy
FMRFederal Management Regulation
FMSFinancial Management Services
FMSFleet Management System
FNSFederal Network for Sustainability
FOBFree on Board
FOB DestinationSee "Free on board at destination"
FOB OriginSee "Free on board at origin"
FOCFEMA Operations Center
FOGField Operations Guide
FOIAFreedom of Information Act
FOSFederal Operations Support
FOSEFederal Office System Exposition
FPAFederal Program Agencies
FPASASee "Federal Property and Administrative Services Act"
FPDCFederal Procurement Data Center
FPDSFederal Procurement Data System
FPDS - NGFederal Procurement Data System - Next Generation
FPIFederal Prison Industries
FPIFSee "Fixed-price incentive-fee contract"
FPLPFederal Premier Lodging Program
FPMRFederal Procurement Management Regulations.
FPRSee "Final proposal revision"
FPRSFederal Property Resources Service
FPSFederal Protective Service
FPwEPASee "Fixed-price with economic price adjustment contract"
FRFederal Register
FRADFrame Relay Assembler/Dissembler
FrameworkA structure for content or process that can be used as a tool to structure the thinking, ensuring consistency and completeness.
FRCFederal Resource Coordinator
FRDFinancial Review Determination
Free on boardThis term is used in conjunction with a physical point to determine—(1) The responsibility and basis for payment of freight charges; and (2) Unless otherwise agreed, the point where title for goods passes to the buyer or consignee.
Free on board at destinationThe seller or consignor delivers the goods on seller's or consignor's conveyance at destination. Unless the contract provides otherwise, the seller or consignor is responsible for the cost of shipping and risk of loss. On board destination – the contractor must pay to ship or deliver the item.
Free on board at originThe seller or consignor places the goods on the conveyance. Unless the contract provides otherwise, the buyer or consignee is responsible for the cost of shipping and risk of loss.
Freedom of Information ActThe Freedom of Information Act represents the implementation of freedom of information legislation in the United States. This act allows for the full or partial disclosure of previously unreleased information and documents controlled by the United States Government. The Act defines agency records subject to disclosure, outlines mandatory disclosure procedures and grants nine exemptions to the statute.
FRERPFederal Radiological Emergency Response Plan
FRGRAFuel-Related General Rate Adjustment
FRPFederal Response Plan
FRPAGFederal Real Property Advisory Group
FRSFrame Relay Service
FSForest Service
FSCFederal Supply Code (4-different codes for various awards)
FSCFinancial Services Center
FSCFederal Supply Classification
FSCFederal Supply Class
FSCAPFlight Safety Critical Aircraft Parts
FSGFederal Supply Group
FSIOFinancial Systems Integration Office
FSNFiscal Station Number
FSRSFFATA Subaward Reporting System
FSSFederal Supply Service (combined with Federal Technology Service to become Federal Acquisition Service - FSS))
FSSFederal Supply Schedule; see also "GSA Multiple Award Schedule Contracts"
FSS-19Federal Supply Service Automated Supply System
FSSIFederal Strategic Sourcing Initiative
FSSISFederal Supply Service Information Systems
FSSOnlineA client-server application component of the FSS-19 suite of programs and applications
FSSOnline/CSFSSOnline Client Server. See above
FTPFile Transfer Protocol
FTRFederal Travel Regulation
FTSFederal Technology Service (combined with Federal Supply Service to become Federal Acquisition Service - FSS)
FTS2000Federal Telecommunications System 2000
Full and open competitionAll responsible sources are permitted to compete for a contract award.
FWSFederal Wage System
FWTSFederal Wireless Telecommunications Service
FYFiscal year
GAOSee "Government Accountability Office"
GapA statement of difference between two states. Used in the context of gap analysis, where the difference between the Baseline and Target Architecture is identified.
GBLGovernment Bill of Lading
GBLOCGovernment Bill of Lading Office Code
GCTCGovernment Contractor-issued Travel Card
GDRGovernment Designated Representative
GEARGSA Enterprise Architecture Analytics and Reporting
GEBATGovernment Excess Baggage Authorization Ticket
GECO 3GSA Enhanced Check-out
General market conditionsGeneral market conditions that result in price differences include changes in the level of competition that can affect offeror pricing strategies. If competition decreases from historical levels, firms typically will be less concerned about the threat of price competition. If the level of competition increases, firms will be more concerned.
General Services AdministrationThe General Services Administration is an independent agency of the United States government, established in 1949 to help manage and support the basic functioning of federal agencies. The GSA supplies products and communications for U.S. government offices, provides transportation and office space to federal employees, and develops government-wide cost-minimizing policies, among other management tasks. Its stated mission is to help federal agencies better serve the public by offering, at best value, superior workplaces, expert solutions, acquisition services and management policies.
GETAGovernment Employees Training Act
GETSGovernment Emergency Telecommunications Service
GFEGovernment Furnished Equipment
GFFGovernment Furnished Facilities
GFISee "Government-furnished information"
GFIGovernment Furnished Items
GFPSee "Government-furnished property"
GFPGovernment Furnished Products
GFPRGuaranteed Fixed Price Remediation
GGBFGround Granulated Blast Furnace
GHGGreenhouse Gas
GISGeographic Information Systems
GLGeneral Ledger
GLSGSA Leasing Support Services
GM&AGeneral Management and Administration
GMCGovernment Management Center
GMSGSA Management Service
GO/COGovernment Owned/Contractor Operated
GOCAREGovernment Cargo Recovery Effort
GOSGrade of Service
GOVGovernment Owned Vehicle
GovernanceThe discipline of monitoring, managing, and steering a business (or IS/IT landscape) to deliver the business outcome required.
Government Accountability OfficeThe U.S. Government Accountability Office is known as "the investigative arm of Congress" and "the congressional watchdog." GAO supports the Congress in meeting its constitutional responsibilities and helps improve the performance and accountability of the Federal Government for the benefit of the American people.
Government Performance and Results ActLaw requiring agencies to develop a strategic plan that contains a mission statement for the agency and specific, measurable, performance-based requirements. This act also requires agencies to submit annual performance reports that outline the agency's success in meeting performance goals.
Government Printing OfficeThe U.S. Government Printing Office is an agency of the legislative branch of the United States Federal Government. The office prints and provides access to documents produced by and for all three branches of the Federal Government, including the Supreme Court, the Congress, Executive Office of the President, executive departments, and independent agencies. The primary mission of GPO is to make government publications widely available, by gathering, cataloging, providing, and preserving published information in all forms. GPO provides information to the public through GPO Access, which contains searchable databases of government information, and through the Federal Depository Library Program, which is a partnership with hundreds of libraries throughout the country.
Government-furnished informationInformation provided by the Federal Government to a contractor during contract performance. The information is considered necessary for performance and could result in a liability to the Federal Government if not provided in a satisfactory manner.
Government-furnished propertyProperty in the possession of, or directly acquired by, the Government and subsequently furnished to the contractor for performance of a contract. Government-furnished property includes, but is not limited to, spares and property furnished for repair, maintenance, overhaul, or modification. Government-furnished property also includes contractor-acquired property if the contractor-acquired property is a deliverable under a cost contract when accepted by the Government for continued use under the contract.
Governmentwide acquisition contractA Governmentwide acquisition contract is a convenient procurement contract instrument available to all Federal Government agencies that provides a broad range of equipment, support services and resources for research, development, and operational activities. The agencies using a GWAC to place orders for goods and services normally have to pay a fee for the convenience.
Governmentwide commercial purchase cardA card that is similar in nature to a commercial credit card that is used to make financing and delivery payments for supplies and services. The purchase card is an EFT method and it may be used as a means to meet the requirement to pay by EFT, to the extent that purchase card limits do not preclude such payments.
Governmentwide point of entryThe single point where Government business opportunities greater than $25,000, including synopses of proposed contract actions, solicitations, and associated information, can be accessed electronically by the public. The GPE is located at
GPCSee "Governmentwide commercial purchase card"
GPESee "Governmentwide point of entry"
GPOSee "Government Printing Office"
GPRASee "Government Performance and Results Act"
GPSGlobal Positioning System
GRSGeneral Records Schedule
GRTGovernment Rate Tender
GSAGeneral Services Administration
GSA AdantageGSA Advantage!
GSA FMFinancial Management
GSA ISTGSA Inaugural Support Team
GSA ITGeneral Services Administration Information Technology - an organization within GSA
GSA Multiple Award Schedule ContractsIndefinite delivery, indefinite quantity (IDIQ) contracts that are available for use by federal agencies worldwide. GSA awards and administers Multiple Award Schedule (MAS) contracts pursuant to 40 U.S.C. 501, Services for Executive Agencies. Under the MAS Program, GSA enters into government-wide contracts with commercial firms to provide over 11 million commercial supplies and services. GSA contracts are typically of this nature to promote competition, allow a choice among minor product differences and assure availability of the product in times of high demand. Agencies place orders directly with MAS contractors. Interagency agreements are not required when placing orders against MAS contracts. The Economy Act does not apply when placing orders against MAS contracts.
GSA Schedule and Federal Supply Schedule contractsSee "GSA Multiple Award Schedule contracts"
GSA-ITGeneral Services Administration Information Technology
GSAMGeneral Services Administration Acquisition Manual
GSAPGSA Preferred
GSARGeneral Services Administration Acquisition Regulation
GSBCAGeneral Services Board of Contract Appeals
GSFGeneral Supply Fund
GSIIGovernment Services Information Infrastructure
GSRGreater Southwest Region
GSSGeneral Supplies and Services
GTGuaranteed Traffic
GTAGovernment Travel Account
GTDGSA Tenant Domain
GTNGlobal Transportation Network
GTOGovernment Transportation Office
GTPCGovernmentwide Transportation Policy Council
GTRGovernment Transportation Request
GTSGovernment Travel Services
GWACSee "Government-wide acquisition contract"
HABSHistoric American Buildings Survey
HAERHistoric American Engineering Record
HAZMATHazardous Materials
HCASee "Head of the Contracting activity"
HCAMHuman Capital Asset Management
HCIHistoric Conservation and Interpretation, Inc.
HCICHurricane Contracting Information Center
HCMSHuman Capital Management Strategy
Head of contracting activityThe official who has overall responsibility for managing the contracting activity. This is normally a high level position that has broad powers to establish agency policy, appoint Contracting Officers, and make approvals and determinations above the contracting office level.
HEVHybrid Electric Vehicle
HFCHeartland Financial Center
HHGHousehold Goods
HHSHealth and Human Services
HIDHigh Intensity Discharge
Historical dataFor purposes of market research, historical data may include relevant acquisition histories and agency-wide past performance file data. In collecting historical data, the COR may find and include information on: (1) Current suppliers of the required products or services; (2) Potential suppliers; (3) Previous procurement strategies, acquisition plans, and lead times; (4) Problems and issues in the award and administration of previous contracts; (5) A contractor's past performance, including: quality of products or services provided; timeliness of performance; cost control; and past performance of key personnel.
Historically underutilized business zoneAn area located within one or more qualified census tracts, qualified nonmetropolitan counties, or lands within the external boundaries of an Indian reservation, qualified base closure areas, or redesignated areas, as defined in 13 CFR 126.103.
HLTHurricane Liaison Team
HMIRSHazardous Material Information Resource System
HPSHeritage Preservation Services
HPTMHistoric Preservation Team Member
HRHuman Resources
HRITHuman Resources Information Technology
HSHuman Services
HSOCHomeland Security Operations Center
HSPDHomeland Security Presidential Directive
HSSOsHeads of Services and Staff Offices
HSSOHeads of Services and Staff Offices
HTMLHypertext Markup Language
HTOSHousehold Goods Tender of Service
HTTPHyperText Transfer Protocol -- the predominant protocol used by the Internet.
HTTPSA secure form of the HTTP protocol.
HUBZoneSee "Historically underutilized business zone"
HUBZone small business concernA small business concern that appears on the List of Qualified HUBZone Small Business Concerns maintained by the Small Business Administration (13 CFR 126.103).
HUDDepartment of Housing and Urban Development
HVACHeating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning
IASee "Interagency agreement"
IA/RAInteractive Announcement/Response Arrangement
IAAInter Agency Agreement
IaaSInfrastructure as a Service
IACETInternational Association for Continuing Education and Training
IAEIntegrated Acquisition Environment
IAEIntegrated Award Environment
IAEIntegrated Award Environment Divisiion (IQSE)
IAEIntegrated Award Environment Information Technology
IAMIdentity and Access Management
IAPIncident Action Plan
IAQIndoor Air Quality
IBAIndividually Billed Account
IBCInternational Building Code
IBRIntegrated baseline review
ICOffice of Corporate IT Services
ICBOInternational Conference of Building Officials
ICCInternational Code Council
ICDInterface Control Document
ICEBureau of Immigration and Customs Enforcement
ICMAInternational City/County Management Association
ICNItem Control Number
ICPMInteragency Committee on Property Management
ICRIncome Contingent Repayment
ICSIncident Command System
ICUIncident Crisis Unit/Information Coordination Unit
IDOffice of Deputy CIO
ID3International Direct Distance Dialing
IDAInternational Downtown Association
IDCIndefinite Delivery Contract
IDIQSee "Indefinite delivery indefinite quantity contract"
IDMIdentity Management
IDPIndividual Development Plans
IDSIntrusion Detection Systems
IDTGSA IT office of Digital Infrastructure Technologies
IEBCInternational Existing Building Code
IECCInternational Energy Conversation Code
IEGInformation Exchange Guide
IESIlluminating Engineering Society of North America
IFBInvitation for Bid
IFCInternational Fire Code
IFFIndustrial Funding Fee
IFGIndividual and Family Grant
IFMSInteragency Fleet Management System
IGInspector General
IGCIndustry Government Council
IGCEIndependent Government Cost Estimate
IGEIndependent Government Estimate
IGTEIntra-governmental Transaction Exchange
IICImpact Insulation Class
IIPIndian Incentive Program
ILInstructional Letter
ILCIrrevocable Letter of Credit
ILECIncumbent Local Exchange Carrier
IMCIntermediate Metallic Conduit
IMGInteragency Incident Management Group
IMPACInternational Merchants Purchase Authorization Card
IMTIncident Management Team
Indefinite delivery indefinite quantity contractA type of contract that provides for an indefinite quantity of supplies or services during a fixed period of time. The legal origin of IDIQ contracts comes from the Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR), section 16.501(a).
Independent Government cost estimateThe IGCE presents an analysis of a contractor's reasonable and required resources to perform or deliver product on a Federal contact. The IGCE is the projected, anticipated, or probable cost or price of a proposed Federal acquisition or procurement. It serves as a benchmark for establishing price analysis and cost realism. The IGCE is the Government's estimate of the resources and projected cost of the resources a contractor will incur in the performance of a contract. These costs include direct costs; such as labor, supplies, equipment, or transportation and indirect costs; such as labor overhead, material overhead, as well as general and administrative (G&A) expenses, profit or fee. As specified in the FAR Part 10, an IGCE is based on market research. Market research is used to develop the IGCE through canvassing commercial entities with the capabilities to meet a stated requirement. Market research is the basis for evaluation of current prices for the same, or a similar requirement, to be performed under the same conditions. The IGCE may be determined through: GSA schedule prices, catalog prices, market survey, published price lists, historical prices, and detailed analysis.
Independent Government estimateAn estimate made by the Government. This estimate will frequently accompany the purchase request.
IndianSee "Native Americans"
Indian tribeAny Indian tribe, band, nation, or other organized group or community of Indians, including any Alaska Native Corporation as defined in 13 CFR 124.100 which is recognized as eligible for the special programs and services provided by the U.S. to Indians because of their status as Indians, or which is recognized as such by the State in which such tribe, band, nation, group, or community resides.
IndustryAll concerns primarily engaged in similar lines of activity, as listed and described in the Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) Manual.
Information technologyAny equipment, or interconnected system(s) or subsystem(s) of equipment, that is used in the automatic acquisition, storage, analysis, evaluation, manipulation, management, movement, control, display, switching, interchange, transmission, or reception of data or information by the agency.
Informational WebsiteAn Informational Website is intended to represent a non-interactive presentation of information.
INFOSECInformation Security
INSP/SINIntroduction of New Services/Products Special Item Number
InspectionExamining and testing supplies or services to determine whether they conform to contract requirements.
Interagency agreementAgreements between Federal Government Departments such as Department of Labor, Department of Justice, etc.
Invitation for bidUsed for sealed bidding, the IFB does not contain evaluation criteria. The offeror submits only a price as their proposal and the Government must select the lowest price if the price is considered fair and reasonable and the offeror meets responsibility qualifications. An invitation for bid is an invitation to contractors or equipment suppliers, through a bidding process, to submit a proposal on a specific project to be realized or product or service to be furnished. If not stated otherwise, the contractor or supplier with the lowest bid is awarded the contract, provided that they meet the minimum criteria for the bid. This is in contrast to a request for proposal (RFP), in which case other reasons (technology used, quality, past performance) might cause or allow choice of another offer.
InvoiceA contractor's bill or written request for payment under the contract for supplies delivered or services performed.
IOAIndustrial Operations Analyst
IOCInitial Operational Capability
IOFInitial Operational Facility
IORInitial Operating Report
IPInternet Protocol
IPInnovation Planning - the last sprint of a PI
IPAIntergovernmental Personnel Act
IPACIntra-Governmental Payment and Collection
IPCInternational Plumbing Code
IPPRSInternational Personal Property Rate Solicitation
IPSIdentity Protection Services
IPSIntrusion Prevention Systems
IPSInformation Processing System
IPsecInternet Protocol Security
IPTIntegrated Project Team
IQOffice of Acquisition IT Services
IRBInteragency Response Branch
IRBInvestment Review Board
IRCInternal Revenue Code
IRIInternational Risk Insurance
IRMInformation resource management
IRMSInformation Resources Management Service
IRRInitial Response Resources
IRRCInteragency Relocation Reform Committee
IRSInternal Revenue Service
IRSInternal Revenue System
ISOffice of the Chief Information Security Officer
ISInternational System
ISAInformation Sharing Agency
ISAInterconnection Security Agreement
ISCInteragency Security Committee
ISDNIntegrated Services Digital Network
ISODInformation Systems Operation Division
ISPInternet Service Provider
ISRIndividual Subcontracting Report
ISSMInformation Systems Security Manager
ISSOInformation Systems Security Officer
ISSO/IAInformation System Security Officer/Information Assurance
ISTIncident Support Team
ISTEAIntermodal Surface Transportation Efficiency Act
ITInformation Technology
ITCInformation Technology Category
Iterative Development ProcessOccurs at multiple levels of the development process. Conceptionally, it is the development of a system through developing in repeated cycles (iterative) and in smaller portions at a time (incremental), allowing software developers to take advantage of what was learned during development of earlier parts or versions of the system. The term can also refer to the practice of developers to develop small portions of functionality through iterations that increasingly add complexity, building upon the previous iteration, punctuated by deployment and verification of the changes made at each iteration.
ITFInformation Technology Fund
ITMInformation Technology Manager
ITMCInteragency Travel Management Committee
ITMRAInformation Technology Management Reform Act of 1996
ITMSInteragency Transportation Management System
ITOMSIntegrated Task Order Management System
ITRAIncome Tax Reimbursement Allowance
ITSIT Solutions
ITSFAS Office of Integrated Technology Services
ITSSInformation Technology Solutions Shop
ITSSInformation Technology Solutions System
IVFInstallation Variable File Listing
IWACIntegrated Workplace Acquisition Center
J&AJustification and Approval (for other than full and open competition)
JABJoint Authorization Board
JAN/SANJanitorial and Sanitation Products
JanSanJanitorial & Sanitation Supplies
JDBCJava Database Connectivity -- a standard application programming interface (API) for accessing database management systems (DBMS) for applications written in the Java programming language
JFHQ-NCRJoint Forces Headquarters - National Capital Region
JFMIPJoint Financial Management Improvement Program
JFOJoint Field Office
JFTRJoint Federal Travel Regulations
JMAJohn Milner Associates, Inc.
JOCJoint Operations Center
JOFOCSee "Justification for other than full and open competition"
JSSTJudicial Security Systems Team
JTRJoint Travel Regulations
Justification and approval for other than full and open competitionAn approval required before restricting competition for a Federal Government contract is permitted
Justification for other than full and open competitionSee FAR Subpart 6.3—Other Than Full and Open Competition, 6.301 Policy, and 6.302 Circumstances permitting other than full and open competition.
JWODJavits Wagner O'Dea Act; see “Ability One”
KBKnowledge Base
KDPSee "Key decision point"
Key decision pointAlso known as a program milestone, a key decision point is a major milestone requiring a decision in the acquisition process.
KMKnowledge Management
KOKO is used as the acronym for a Contracting Officer in the Department of Defense. “CO” is the correct acronym for Contracting Officer in the Federal Civilian agencies. See also "Contracting Officer"
KPIKey Performance Indicators
KTKnowledge Transfer
Labor-hour contractSimilar to time-and-materials contracts, but materials are not reimbursed (materials are not supplied by the contractor).
LANLocal Area Network
LANILocal Access to Network Interface
LAOLease Acquisition Officer
LATALocal Access and Transport Area
Latent defectA defect that exists at the time of acceptance but cannot be discovered by a reasonable inspection.
LBILimited Background Investigation
LCAPLease Cost Avoidance Plan
LCCLife Cycle Cost
LCOLease Contracting Officer
LCPLeasing Certification Program
LDELogical Data Environment
LDGLeasing Desk Guide
LECLocal Exchange Carrier
LEEDLeadership in Energy and Environmental Design
LESOLaw Enforcement Security Officer
LFALead Federal Agency
LFRDLoad Resistance Factor
Life cycle costAn estimating technique, life cycle cost is the total cost of ownership of machinery and equipment, including its cost of acquisition, operation, maintenance, conversion, and/or decommission.
LIMSLogistics Information Management System
LLLLeasing Lite Learning
LNOLiaison Officer
LOALine of Accounting
Load BalancingThe distribution of the load over the servers so that the work can be easily done. Due to this, the workload demands can be distributed and managed. There are several advantages of load balancing:fewer chances of the server crash; advanced security; and improvement in overall performance.
LOGWORLDLogistics Worldwide - Schedule 874 V
LRPLong Range Plan
LSSLean Six Sigma
LSVLow speed vehicle
LTOPLease to Ownership Plan
M&IEMeals and Incidental Expenses
MAMission Assignment
MAAMetropolitan Area Acquisition
MACSee "Multi-agency contract"
MACMission Assignment Coordinator
MACsMulti-Agency Contracts
MAIQMultiple Award Indefinite Quantity
MANMetropolitan Area Network
Managed ServiceA service where operational complexities have been minimized for the consumer of the service and made the responsibility of the service provider. For example, AWS Fargate EKS makes operation (performance, reliability, cost, etc.) of the EKS cluster the responsibility of AWS, where the operation of a classic EC2-based EKS cluster is the responsibility of the service consumer.
Management DirectiveA policy directed by high-level management to standardize procedures within an agency.
MARCMultiple Award Remediation Contracts
Margin pricingMargin pricing uses unit cost to calculate a price that will provide the desired profit margin. The seller calculates the unit selling price by dividing the estimated unit cost by a margin percentage.
Mark-up pricingIn the mark-up pricing method, price is based on total cost plus a mark-up. The mark-up is a percentage of the total cost. Cost can be either direct or total.
Market competitionIn market competition pricing, price is based on reaction to the competition. This approach is often used in homogenous markets with little differentiation in products between companies.
Market researchCollecting and analyzing information about capabilities within the market to satisfy agency needs.
Market skimmingIn market skimming, sellers set prices to achieve a high profit on each unit by selling to buyers who are willing to pay a higher price for a product of perceived higher value.
Market-based formulaMarket-based = Cost + Perception of value
Market-based pricingMarket-based pricing strategies include: Profit maximization, Market share, Market skimming, Current revenue, Promotional, Demand differential, and Market competition
Market-share pricingMarket-share pricing is based on the assumption that long-run profitability is directly associated with market share. The goal of a seller using this strategy is to dominate the market through market penetration.
MASMultiple Award Schedule - a type of contracting vehicle
MAS-NGMultiple Award Schedules Next Generation
MASS PMOMultiple Award Schedule Program Management Office
MBDAMinority Business Development Agency
MBIMinimum Background Investigation
MCaaSManaged Content as a Service
MCaaSA FAS cloud services offering, Multi-tenant Container as a Service (MCaaS) is a cloud-native solution that provides a deployment-ready environment. Its multi-tenancy architecture allows multiple tenants to run, isolated from each other, in the same scalable, resilient, and secure environment. MCaaS tenants receive a pre-configured framework that includes - An inherited security posture and ATO - Reusable components - Tooling to develop and deploy in a repeatable manner - Observability tooling for monitoring and troubleshooting
MCCMovement Coordination Center
MCMTMobilization Center Management Team
MCPMaster Control Program - the operating system used by Unisys ClearPath systems
MCSMessage Control System -- software used to interact remotely with a Mainframe system
MDSee "Management Directive"
Merit Systems Protection BoardThe Merit Systems Protection Board is an independent, quasi-judicial agency in the executive branch of the Federal Government that serves as the guardian of Federal merit systems.
MERSMobile Emergency Response Support
MFAMulti-Factor Authentication
MFCMost Favored Customer
MFTMulti-Functional Team
MGSManufacturer of MGS MCP Web Services (MGSWEB)
MGSWEBMGS MCP Web Services -- Third-party product for providing Web Services on Unisys MCP
Micro-purchaseAn acquisition of supplies or services using simplified acquisition procedures, the aggregate amount of which does not exceed the micro-purchase threshold. See also "Micro-purchase threshold."
Micro-purchase threshold$3,000 in general, with these exceptions: for acquisitions of construction subject to the Davis- Bacon Act, the threshold is $2,000 per transaction; for acquisitions of services subject to the Service Contract Act, the threshold is $2,500 per transaction; and for acquisitions of supplies or services that, as determined by the head of the Agency, are to be used to support a contingency operation or to facilitate defense against or recovery from nuclear, biological, chemical, or radiological attack, as described in FAR 13.201(g)(1), except for construction subject to the Davis- Bacon Act (41 U.S.C. 428a): (1) $15,000 in the case of any contract to be awarded and performed, or purchase to be made, inside the United States; and (2) $30,000 in the case of any contract to be awarded and performed, or purchase to be made, outside the United States.
MicroservicesMicroservices implement what FAS IT might call an architectural macro-pattern. Chief among its characteristics is the encapsulation of system capabilities. A microservice owns its own data; it exposes its own interfaces; it is responsible for its own security, monitoring and reliability. Successful micro-services will display high cohesion (things that belongs together are kept together) and loose coupling (minimized or no interdependencies). Gartner defines a micro-service as, "... a service-oriented application component that is tightly scoped, strongly encapsulated, loosely coupled, independently deployable and independently scalable."
MILSBILLSMilitary Standard Billing System
MILSTRIPMilitary Standard Requisition and Issue Procedure's
MIPRMilitary Interdepartmental Purchase Request
Mission Need StatementA non-system-specific statement containing operational capability needs and written in broad operational terms. It describes required operational capabilities and constraints to be studied during concept exploration and definition phase of the requirements generation process.
Mission SectorIdentifies the ten business areas of the Federal Government in the Common Approach to EA (FEAF).
MMISMarketing Management Information System
MNSSee "Mission Need Statement"
MOMaximum Order
MOAMemorandum of Agreement
MOBISMission Oriented Business Integrated Services
MOBISManagement, Organizational and Business Improvement Services
MOCMERS Operations Center
ModelA representation of a subject of interest. A model provides a smaller scale, simplified, and/or abstract representation of the subject matter. A model is constructed as a ‘‘means to an end''. In the context of enterprise architecture, the subject matter is a whole or part of the enterprise and the end is the ability that address the needs of particular stakeholders.
MORRISMonthly On-line Records and Reports of Information
MOUMemorandum of Understanding
MPRMonthly Progress Review
MPTSee "Micro-purchase threshold"
MRASMarket Research as a Service
MRCManagement Review Council
MREMeals, Ready to Eat
MRGMinimum Revenue Guarantee
MROMaintenance, Repair and Operations Products (FSSI)
MROMaintenance, Repair & Operations Supplies
MSCManagement Services Center
MSDSMaterial Safety Data Sheet
MSLOMilitary Support Liaison Office
MSOManaged Service Office
MSPBMerit Systems Protection Board
MSRMonthly Status Report
MSSMobile Satellite Service
Multi-agency contractA task-order or delivery-order contract established by one agency for use by Government agencies to obtain supplies and services, consistent with the Economy Act.
Multi-year contractingMulti-year contracting may be used to acquire known requirements in quantities and total cost not to exceed planned requirements for up to five years, even though the total funds ultimately to be obligated may not be available at the time of award.
Multiple Award ScheduleContracts awarded by GSA or the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) for similar or comparable supplies, or services, established with more than one supplier, at varying prices.
Multiple awards for the same line itemsYou must award the same line item to more than one contractor to meet requirements for indefinite-quantity supplies or services. This approach allows ordering offices to choose among products and contractors that best meet their needs.
Multiple awards of different line itemsConsider making multiple awards of different line items when it is less expensive to purchase components separately rather than as an integrated unit.
MVPMinimally Viable Product
MWEOCMount Weather Emergency Operations Center
NABASNational Billing Address System
NABCNative American Business Center
NACINational Agency Check with Written Inquiries
NADBNational Archeological Database
NAEYCNational Association for the Education of Young Children
NAGPRANative American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act
NAICSNorth American Industry Classification System
NAMNational Account Manager
NAOCNational Airborne Operations Center
NAPANational Academy of Public Administrators
NARANational Archives and Records Administration
NASANational Aeronautics and Space Administration
NASARNational Association for Search and Rescue
National Institutes of HealthThe National Institutes of Health, a part of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, is the primary Federal agency for conducting and supporting medical research.
Native AmericansAmerican Indians, Eskimos, Aleuts, and Native Hawaiians.
NATONorth Atlantic Treaty Organization
NBCNuclear, Biological, or Chemical
NCNoise Criteria
NC-BBalanced Noise Criteria
NCALNational Cataloging Action Log
NCCNational Coordinating Center
NCHCNational Crime History Check
NCISee "Non-commercial item"
NCMANational Concrete Masonry Association
NCPNational Contigency Plan; National Oil and Hazardous Substances Pollution Contigency Plan
NCPENational Council for Preservation Education
NCRNational Capital Region
NCSNational Communication System
NCSCNational Customer Service Center
NCSRMNational Communication System Regional Manager
NDAANational Defense Authorization Act
NDISee "Nondevelopmental Item"
NDMSNational Disaster Medical System
NEARNational Electronic Accounting and Reporting
NEBBNational Environmental Balance Bureau
NECRNortheast and Caribbean Region
NEMISNational Emergency Management Information System
NEONew Employee Orientation
NEPANational Environmental Policy Act
NETWORXTelecommunications and networking services and technical solutions available to all federal agencies
NFCNational Furniture Center
NFESNational Emissions Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutant
NFRNew Feature Request
NHPANational Historic Preservation Act
NIBNational Industries for the Blind
NIHSee "National Institutes of Health"
NIINNational Item Identifier Number
NIISNew Item Introductory Schedule
NILECJNational Institute of Law Enforcement and Criminal Justice
NIMANational Imagery and Mapping Agency
NIMSNational Incident Management System
NIOSHNational Institute for Occupational Safety and Health
NISHNational Industries for the Severely Handicapped
NISTNational Institute of Standards and Technology
NITCPNational IT Commodity Program
NLTNot Later Than
NMFSNational Marine Fisheries Service
NNOCNational Network Operations Center
NOAANational Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
NOLNational Office of Leasing
Non-commercial itemAn item that is primarily used for non-commercial use and not generally sold to the general public. Military items such as weapons are the best example.
Nondevelopmental itemA commercial item developed at private expense by a commercial Contractor exclusively for Government use. To be considered a commercial item, and NDI must have been previously sold in large quantities—on a competitive basis—to Federal, state, or local Government agencies.
NORNet Operating Results
NPRNational Performance Review
NPSCNational Processing Service Center
NRCNuclear Regulatory Commission
NRCANational Roofing Contractors Association
NRCCNational Response Coordinator Center
NRELNational Renewable Energy Laboratory
NRONational Records Officer
NRPNational Response Plan
NS/EPNational Security/Emergency Preparedness
NSANational Security Agency
NSDNetwork Services Division
NSNNational Stock Number
NTSBNational Transportation Safety Board
NTTNFR Triage Team
NUONational Utilization Officer
NVOADNational Voluntary Organizations Active in Disasters
O&MOperations and Maintenance
OASOffice of Administrative Services
OASISOne Acquisition Solution for Integrated Services
OCObject Class
OCAOffice of the Chief Architect
OCAOOffice of the Chief Acquisition Officer
OCCOperational Control Center
OCDOperational Capability Demonstrations
OCEOffice of Customer Experience
OCFOOffice of the Chief Financial Officer
OCIAOffice of Congressional and Intergovernmental Affairs
OCIOOffice of the Chief Information Officer
OCMOffice of Communications and Marketing
OCMSOn-Line Contract Management System
OCONUSOutside the continental United States
OCPOOffice of the Chief Procurement Officer
OCROffice of Civil Rights
OCSOne Constitution Square
OCSITOffice of Citizen Services and Innovative Technologies
ODBCOpen Database Connectivity -- a standard application programming interface (API) for accessing database management systems (DBMS)
ODCOther Direct Cost
OEDOffice of Enterprise Development
OEMOffice of Emergency Management
OEPOccupant Emergency Plan
OERROffice of Emergency Response & Recovery
OFOptional Form
OFCOOffice of the Chief Financial Office
OfferA response to a solicitation that, if accepted, would bind the offeror to perform the resultant contract. Responses to invitations for bids (sealed bidding) are offers called “bids” or “sealed bids”; responses to requests for proposals (negotiation) are offers called “proposals”; however, responses to requests for quotations (simplified acquisition) are “quotations,” not offers. For unsolicited proposals. See FAR Subpart 15.6.
OfferorOfferor or bidder. A vendor that responds to a Federal Government solicitation.
Office of Federal Procurement PolicyThe Office of Federal Procurement Policy in the Office of Management and Budget plays a central role in shaping the policies and practices Federal agencies use to acquire the goods and services they need to carry out their responsibilities. OFPP was established by Congress in 1974 to provide overall direction for government-wide procurement policies, regulations and procedures and to promote economy, efficiency, and effectiveness in acquisition processes.
Office of Management and BudgetOMB's predominant mission is to assist the President in overseeing the preparation of the Federal budget and to supervise its administration in Executive Branch agencies. In helping to formulate the President's spending plans, OMB evaluates the effectiveness of agency programs, policies, and procedures, assesses competing funding demands among agencies, and sets funding priorities. OMB ensures that agency reports, rules, testimony, and proposed legislation are consistent with the President's Budget and with Administration policies. In addition, OMB oversees and coordinates the Administration's procurement, financial management, information, and regulatory policies. In each of these areas, OMB's role is to help improve administrative management, to develop better performance measures and coordinating mechanisms, and to reduce any unnecessary burdens on the public.
Office of Small and Disadvantaged Business UtilizationAn office within a Federal agency that oversees and monitors agency performance in compliance with the Federal Government policy to award a fair share of contracts to small businesses
OFPPOffice of Federal Procurement Policy
OGCOffice of General Counsel. Generally referred to as the legal office.
OGEOffice of Government Ethics
OGPOffice of Governmentwide Policy, GSA
OHRMOffice of Human Resources Management
OIGOffice of the Inspector General
OIMOffice of Implementation Management
OKRObjective Key Results / Requirements (Initiatives)
OLMOrder Level Materials
OLUOnLine University
OMAOffice of Mission Assurance
OMBOffice of Management and Budget
OMISOffice of Information Integration Management Information System
OMSOrder Management System -- a GSA system used for processing orders; it is out of the scope boundary for this call order.
Online Representation Certification ApplicationThe primary Government repository for contractor submitted representations and certifications required for the conduct of business with the Government.
OPACOn-Line Payment and Collections System
OPCOffice of Policy & Compliance
OPMOffice of Personnel Management
OPOOffice of Procurement Operations
OPSOne-Way Paging Service
OPS or OpsOperations
OptionsOptions give the Government unilateral rights to purchase additional supplies and services and/or extend the term of the contract.
ORCAOnline Representations and Certifications Application
ORSOffer Registration System
OSOperating System (e.g. Windows 10, Linux, MacOS, MCP)
OS2Office Supply Blanket Purchase Agreements 2nd Generation (FSSI)
OS3Office Supplies Third Generation - a type of requisition channel
OSAIOffice of Safety Act Implementation
OSBUOffice of Small Business Utilization
OSCOn-Scene Commander
OSCOperational Steering Committee
OSDBUOffice of Small and Disadvantage Business Utilization
OSHAOccupational Safety and Health Administration
OSMOffice of Systems Management
OSTPOffice of Science and Technology Policy
OTOOne Time Only/Negotiated Rate
OTPOne Time Password
OUOrganization Unit
P.L.Public Law
P/PMProject-Program Manager
P3Prices Paid Portal
PACTSee "Program Management, Administration, Clerical, and Technical Services"
PAGProgram Advisory Group
PALTProcurement Acquisition Lead Time
PAPPolicy and Procedure
Parametric estimatesAn estimating technique that uses a statistical relationship between historical data and other variables to calculate an estimate for activity parameters, such as scope, cost, budget, and duration. An example for the cost parameter is multiplying the planned quantity of work to be performed by the historical cost per unit to obtain the estimated cost.
Parent SystemA set of interdependent business applications forming a larger, logical whole to provide specific capabilities (i.e., Acquisition, Human Relations, Financial Management). The child business applications within the parent system can share similar supporting technologies and can influence one another (directly or indirectly) in order to fulfil the identified business need.
Partial set-asideYou must aside a portion of a solicitation for small business contractors when certain conditions exist. Partial-asides are also a low-risk way to split awards for maintaining multiple sources.
Partial terminationTermination of a part, but not all, of the work that has not been completed and accepted under a contract.
Past performance informationInformation concerning an offeror's or contractor's performance on active and physically completed contracts. The major areas of concern are technical, cost, quality, and schedule performance.
Past Performance Information Retrieval SystemPPIRS is a web-enabled, enterprise application that provides timely and pertinent contractor past performance information to the Federal acquisition community for use in making source selection decisions.
PATPlatform Activity Tracker
Patent defectA defect that could be recognized upon reasonably careful inspection or through the use of ordinary diligence and care.
PBAPerformance-Based Acquisition
PBA/PBCPerformance based acquisition/Performance based services contracting; see also "Performance based acquisition/contracting"
PBCPublic Benefit Conveyances
PBP&EProfesional Books, Papers, and Equipment
PBSPublic Buildings Service
PBSCPerformance based services contracting; "see also "PBA/PBC"
PBXPrivate Branch Exchange
PCPersonal Computer
PCIPrecast Concrete Institute
PCIISee "Protected Critical Infrastructure Information"
PCOProcuring Contracting Officer
PCRSee "Procurement Center Representative"
PCSPermanent Change of Station
PDPosition Description
PDAPreliminary Damage Assessment
PDAPersonal Data Assistant
PDDPresidential Decision Directive
PDRIProject Definition Rating Index
PDSProspectus Development Study
PDUPower Distribution Unit
PECIPortland Energy Conservation, Inc.
PEDPortable Electronic Devices
PEPSee "Price evaluation preference"
PEPCOPotomac Electric Power Company
Performance based acquisition/contractingA quality oriented method of monitoring and measuring contractor performance against functional and/or performance requirements of the work statement.
Performance work statementA statement of work for performance-based acquisitions that describes the required results in clear, specific and objective terms with measurable outcomes
PESProfessional Engineering Services - Schedule 871
PFOPrincipal Federal Official
PHSPublic Health Service
PIPlanned Interval
PIPublic Involvement
PIProgram Increment -- SAFe defined timebox within a project, as defined within the Project Management Plan
PIAPrivacy Impact Assessment
PIIPersonally Identifiable Information
PIIDProcurement Instrument Identifier
PIOPublish Information Officer
PIPPerformance Implementation Plan
PIV(Federal) Personal Identication Verification
PKIPublic Key Infrastructure
PlatformRefers to a capability used to provide a set of common services the enterprise uses to build business applications. Unlike applications, platforms do not support a unique set of business functions: instead the platform is an enabler for supporting all business functions within an enterprise. Within cloud terminology this is often referred to as Platform as a Service (PAAS) or Software as a Service (SaaS).
PlaybookThe FAS IT Playbook will evolve to be the source of all approved Plays.
PlaysThe FAS IT Playbook will evolve to be the source of all approved Plays. In relation to Cloud Services, a Play is an endorsed, referenceable, and consumable source of guidance providing a path for implementing a specific solution. Each Play will provide the process to implement various FAS Cloud Services. - Description / Use Case / How to implement - Process & Guidelines - Architecture and design patterns - Approvals - Implementation code - Technical guidance - Accessibility - Lessons Learned / Best Practices - Optional Components or Considerations FAS IT Playbook Plays must be endorsed by the Cloud Integrated Shared Services (CISS) and FCS leadership team prior to being published. As new Plays are approved, they will be featured in the ‘Cloud Plays' page of the Playbook. Note: While several FAS modernization teams are adopting and documenting approaches to implementing cloud services, these practices are not considered official FAS-IT Playbook Plays. However, it may prove for other teams to evaluate and leverage these approaches, recognizing they are not considered official FAS-IT Playbook plays.
PMProgram/Project Manager
PMFPresidential Management Fellow
PMOProgram Management Office
PMOProperty Management Officers
PMOProduct Management Office
PMPPerformance Management Process
PMPProject Management Plan
PMRProject Management Record
PMTPerformance Management Tool
PNMPrice Negotiation Memorandums
PNNLPacific Northwest National Laboratory
POProgram Office
POProject Officer
POProduct Owner
POPurchase Order
POAPrivately Owned Automobile
POA&MPlan of Action and Milestones
POCPoint of Contact
POCProof of Concept
POPProcurement Operating Procedure
POPPeriod of Performance
PORAPrincipal Official Responsible for Acquisition
POTSPurchase of Telecommunication Services
POVPrivately Owned Vehicle
PPPollution Prevention
PPDMSPersonal Property Disposal and Marketing System
PPEPersonal Protective Equipment
PPISee "Past Performance Information"
PPIRSPast Performance Information Retrieval System
PPMPersonal Property Management
PPMOPersonal Property Management Office
PPMSPersonal Property Management System
PPSProject for Public Spaces
PPSPre-Purchased Stock
PQDRProduct Quality Deficiency Report
PRPress Release
PRProcurement Request
PRCPrice Reduction Clause
PriceThe amount of money that a buyer pays a seller for the delivery of a product or the performance of a service
Price analysisThe process of examining and evaluating a proposed price without evaluating its separate cost elements and proposed
Price evaluation preferenceThe price evaluation preference for HUBZone small business concerns shall be used in acquisitions conducted using full and open competition. PEP is given to offers from HUBZone concerns by adding a 10% factor to all offers that are not exempt from the PEP. The factor of 10 percent shall be applied on a line item basis or to any group of items on which award may be made. Other evaluation factors, such as transportation costs or rent-free use of Government property, shall be added to the offer to establish the base offer before adding the factor of 10 percent. [FAR 19.1307]
Price negotiation memorandumDocumentation completed by the CO stating the principal elements of a negotiated agreement. The memorandum is to be included in the contract file.
PricingThe process of establishing a reasonable amount or amounts to be paid for supplies or services.
PRIMEPlastics Removal in Marine Environment Program
ProcurementSee also "Acquisition." Procurement is a subset of acquisition usually referring to the functions and duties associated with the contracting series (1102) such as Contracting Officer, contract specialist, procurement analyst, price analyst, etc. For example, determining the contract type is a procurement function; awarding the contract is a procurement function; determining contractor responsibility is a procurement function, etc.
Procurement acquisition lead timeThe amount of time it takes to award a contract action once the action is received in the procurement office.
Procurement Center RepresentativeThe Small Business Administration representative who assists small businesses in obtaining federal contracts.
Procurement planningThe phase of an acquisition that involves the establishment of processes, timelines and evaluation procedures that result in a contract for the actual purchase of the agency's identified & bona fide need.
Procurement RequestA package of documents containing all necessary funds, approvals, determinations and other information necessary to initiate the acquisition process.
Profit maximizationProfit maximization pricing depends on the relationship between demand and price. It is based on twin assumptions. First, that demand falls as prices rise. And, second, that demand grows as prices fall.
Program Management, Administration, Clerical, and Technical ServicesA series of contracts for administrative support that may be used by all DHS agencies.
Progressive awardsConsider dividing the total required quantity of an item among different contractors when there are suppliers who may offer the best price per unit but cannot fulfill the entire requirement.
PromotionalIn promotional pricing, individual products are priced to enhance the sales of an overall product line, rather than to assure the profitability of each product.
Proposal analysisUsed to ensure that the final agreed-to-price is fair and reasonable.
Protected Critical Infrastructure InformationThe Protected Critical Infrastructure Information Program is an information-protection program that enhances information sharing between the private sector and the Government. The Department of Homeland Security and other Federal, state and local analysts use PCII to analyze and secure critical infrastructure and protected systems, identify vulnerabilities and develop risk assessments, and enhance recovery preparedness measures.
PSProfessional Services
PSCProduct and Service Code
PSIPotentially Shippable Increment; an abstract collective unit implemented functionality that provides meaningful value to the users/stake-holders
PSSPhysical Security Specialist
PSXProfessional Services Expo
PTAPresidential Transition Act of 1963
PTAPrivacy Threshold Assessment
PTACProcurement Technical Assistance Center
PTSTGSA Presidential Transition Support Team
PTST-OThe Presidential Transition Support Team (Outgoing Administration)
PTTThe Presidential Transition Team (Incoming Administration)
Purchase orderWhen issued by the Government, a purchase order is an offer by the Government to buy supplies or services, including construction and research and development, upon specified terms and conditions, using simplified acquisition procedures.
PWGSCPublic Works and Government Services Canada
PWSPerformance Work Statement
Q&AQuestions and Answers
Q2Technology Transformation Services
QAFAS Office of Administration
QASee "Quality assurance"
QAEQuality Assurance Evaluator
QAPQuality Assurance Plan
QASPQuality Assurance Surveillance Plan
QBFAS Office of the Controller
QBSQualifications-Based Selection
QCOffice of Customer Accounts and Stakeholder Engagement
QCQuality Control
QCFAS Office of Customer Accounts and Research (also known as CAR)
QCPQuality Control Plan
QD1FOffice of Systems Management
QEOffice of 18F
QFFAS Office of Assisted Acquisition Services (also known as AAS)
QFOB1FCOffice of Assisted Acquisition Services
QHOffice of TTS Investment
QIFAS Chief Information Officer (also known as CIO)
QMFAS Office of Travel, Motor Vehicle, and Card Services (also known as TMVCS)
QMCCOffice of Travel, Transportation and Logistics
QNOffice of TTS Acquisition
QOOffice of TTS Operations
QPFAS Office of Strategy Management
QPOffice of Enterprise Strategy Management
QPCQuality Partnership Council
QPOFOffice of Enterprise Management
QROffice of Professional Services & Human Capital Categories
QRSQuick Response Sprinklers
QSFAS Office of General Supplies and Services (also known as GSS)
QSIQuality Step Increase
QTFAS Office of Integrated Technology Services (also known as ITS)
QTOffice of Information Technology Category
QT1BTechnology Governance and Management Division
QT2CBThe SCRM division w/in ITC
Quality assuranceQuality assurance refers to planned and systematic production processes that provide confidence in a product's suitability for its intended purpose.
Quality assurance planA plan to monitor quality processes to assure achievement of quality requirements. The plan is prepared by the contractor.
Quality assurance surveillance planA plan prepared by the Government to monitor the contractor and measure performance in attaining the requirements of the work statement. It is developed at the beginning of contract performance.
Quality control planA plan prepared by the contractor that details the steps and processes to build quality into a product or service.
QVFAS Office of Acquisition Management
QVOffice of Policy and Compliance
QV0AAcquisition Workforce Division
QV0EAcquisition Policy Division
QV0IAcquisition Oversight Division
QXOffice of TTS Products and Programs
QYOffice of Presidential Innovation Fellows
R&ARepairs and Alterations
R&DSee "Research and development"
R&ITHRejected and Invalid Transaction Handling
RARegional Administrator
RAMRegional Account Manager
RAMPRemedial Action Management Program
Rate of return pricingWhen using rate of return pricing, the unit selling price is determined by adding the estimated unit cost of a product to a desired profit per unit. The desired unit profit is calculated based on the desired rate of return, the financial investment required to provide the product, and the estimated sales volume.
RCRegional Commissioner
RCRoom Criteria
RCARoot Cause Analysis
RCCRegional Control Center
RCPRecords Center Program
RCRAResources Conservation and Recovery Act
RCSRouting Control System
RDRegional Director
RDDRequired Delivery Date
READReal Estate Acquisition Division
ReasonableA cost is reasonable if, in its nature and amount, it does not exceed that which would be incurred by a prudent person in the conduct of competitive business. The Contracting Officer has the ultimate responsibility for determining whether a particular cost is reasonable; however, the COR generally has technical experience related to the work that is being performed under the contract and can certainly assist the Contracting Officer in determining reasonableness. Accordingly, to support the Contracting Officer, invoices are routed to the COR for review, with respect to the reasonableness and allocability of costs claimed for reimbursement.
RECRegional Emergency Coordinator
Records SMERecordkeeping Subject Matter Expert
RedeterminationThe process of changing the initial price of a contract based on events that occur after the contract is awarded. The prices of a firm fixed price contract are considered fair and reasonable for an initial period of the contract but due to external or internal factors, the price will not be considered fair and reasonable for subsequent periods of that contract.
REDIRegional Emergency Disaster Inventory
REPLORegional Emergency Preparedness Liaison Officer
Request for informationA request by the Government to obtain market information about a Government requirement.
Request for proposalA formal request by the Government asking offerors to submit a proposal for a government requirement. RFPs are used in negotiated acquisitions to communicate government requirements to prospective contractors and to solicit proposals. RFPs for competitive acquisitions describe the: Government's requirement, anticipated terms and conditions that will apply to the contract, information required to be in the offeror's proposal, and evaluation criteria - factors and significant subfactors that will be used to evaluate the proposal and their relative importance, such as technical compliance, experience, and past performance. [FAR 15.203 Requests for proposals]
Request for quotationRFQs are used by the ordering activity to schedule contractors that offer services that will meet the agency's needs. RFQs include a Statement of Work (SOW) including (1) work to be performed; (2) Location of work; (3) Period of performance; (4) Deliverable schedule; (5) Applicable performance standards; and (6) any special requirements, such as, security clearances, travel, special knowledge. RFQs also include evaluation criteria - factors and significant subfactors that will be used to evaluate the proposal and their relative importance, such as technical compliance, experience, and past performance. [FAR 8.405-2(c) Request for Quotation procedures] See RFP also.
RESCRegional Emergency Support Coordinator
Research and developmentInvestigative activities with the intention of making a discovery that can either lead to the development of new products or procedures, or to improvement of existing products or procedures. Research and development is one of the means by which business can experience future growth by developing new products or processes to improve and expand their operations.
ResponsivenessResponsiveness is a determination by the CO that an offer conforms to the material requirements of a sealed bid or solicitation. Responsiveness does not apply to negotiated procurements. To be considered responsive, a bid or offer must be: received, opened, and not rejected at the time and place set forth in the Invitation for Bid, Request for Proposal, or Request for Quotation.
RFRefused Freight
RFBRequest for Bids
RFCRequest for Comments
RFIRequest for Information
RFORequest for Offers
RFPRequest For Proposal
RFQRequest for Quotation
RFSRequest for Services
RGSRigid Galvanized Steel
RHPORegional Historic Preservation Officer
RIRouting Indicator
RITRelocation Income Tax
RITARelocation Income Tax Allowance
RLPRequest for Lease Proposals
RMANRecovered Materials Advisory Notice
RMASSRisk Management and Analysis Support Services
RoadmapAn abstracted plan for business or technology change, typically operating across multiple disciplines over multiple years. Normally used in the phrases Technology Roadmap, Architecture Roadmap, etc.
ROADSRequisitioning, Ordering and Documentation System
RODReport of Discrepancy
RoERules of Engagement
ROIReturn on Investment
ROMsRough Order of Magnitude
ROWRent on the Web
RPARobotic(s) Process Automation
RQRate Quote
RQSRequest for Qualification Statements
RRReceiving Report
RRCCRegional Response Coordination Center
RRPRegional Response Plan
RSAPRequirement Specific Acquisition Platform
RSCRelocation Services Company
RSSRemote Storage Site
RSSPSSMRequirements and Specifications for Special Purpose and Support Space Manual
RSTRegional Support Team
RTERelease Train Engineer
RTMRequirements Traceability Matrix
RTOResponsible Transportation Officer
RWAReimbursable Work Authorization
S3Simple Storage Service -
SAASound Absorption Average
SaaSSoftware as a Service
SABSprint Allocated Baseline
SAFeScaled Agile Framework
SAGSustainability Advisory Group
SAICScience Applications International Corporation
SAISOSenior Agency Information Security Official
SAMSystem for Award Management
SAMLSecurity Assertion Markup Language
SAPSee "Simplified acquisition procedures"
SAPIStrategy and Action Plan Initiative
SARSecurity Assessment Report
SASSingle Award Schedule
SASPState Agencies for Surplus Property
SASySales Automation System
SATSimplified Acquisition Threshold
SATCOMSatellite Communications
SBSmall Business
SBASmall Business Administration
SBACSmall Business Advisory Committee
SBCCISouthern Building Code Congress International, Inc.
SBIRSmall Business Innovative Research Program
SBMSerena Business Manager
SBOMsSoftware Bills of Materials
SBPSmall business programs
SBSSee "Small business specialist"
SBUSmall Business Utilization
SBUSensitive But Unclassified
SBUCSmall Business Utilization Center
SCSales Center
SC2Supply Chain Support Cell
SCAService Contract Act
SCAPSecurity Content Automation Protocol
SCATStrategic Campus Action Team
SCCSecurity Control Center
SCESenior Career Executive
SCFSee "Simplified contract format"
SCMSource Control Management tool
SCMSupply Chain Management
SCOState Coordinating Officer
SCOREService Core of Retired Executives
SCRSilicon-controlled Rectifier
SCRService Catalog Request
SCRSoftware Change Request
SCRIFSupply Chain Risk Information Flag
SCRMSupply Chain Risk Management
SDBSee "Small disadvantaged business concern"
SDDStock Direct Delivery
SDEPSingle Digital Entry Point
SDFScreen Design Facility - a utility used to create UIs for programs on the Unisys ClearPath system
SDLService Delivery Lead
SDLService Desk Lead
SDMService Delivery Manager
SDMSpatial Data Management
SDPService Delivery Point
SDVService Disabled Veteran
SDVOSBService Disabled Veteran-Owned Small Business
SEAService Educational Activities
SECSecurities Exchange Commission
SecDevOpsSecurity-Development-Operations - a methodology that integrates security and operations expert personnel along with developers into a unified development team
Section 8(a)Also known as the 8(a) Business Development Program, Section 8(a) authorizes the Small Business Administration (SBA) to enter into all types of contracts with other agencies and let subcontracts for performing those contracts to firms eligible for program participation. The SBA's subcontractors are referred to as “8(a) contractors.”
Senior Procurement ExecutiveThe individual who is responsible for management direction of the acquisition system of the executive agency, including implementation of the unique acquisition policies, regulations, and standards of the executive agency.
ServerlessServerless is the native architecture of the cloud that enables customers to only be concerned about developing and running software code and shift all of the cloud operational responsibilities to Cloud Service Providers (CSP), improving their own agility and innovation. Serverless offers practically endless scaling, allowing customers to pay only for the resources and services they use. Customers do not need to keep the frontend and database servers running when nothing is happening on their site. Serverless allows customers to build and run applications and services without worrying about servers to manage, software to install, or runtimes to maintain or administer.
Serverless ComputingServerless computing atomizes pay-for-what-you-use such that instead of paying for machine running hours you pay for individual service calls. Since execution is the responsibility of the service provider, serverless necessarily means that the service provider takes responsibility for operating the systems that host those services. Serverless does not mean that, behind the scenes, there are no servers operating. It does mean that what is in operation behind the service is abstracted (black-boxed) and not the responsibility of the user. AWS offers several services in the serverless category including Fargate for containers, Lambda for functions, API Gateway for RESTful service interfaces, SQS for messaging, S3 for storage and the list goes on. Serverless computing is often conflated with "Lambda functions" but it is more than that. Serverless computing happens whenever the operation of traditional servers is removed from the consumer's responsibilities.
ServiceA "service" is fundamentally a "façade" for functionality that is black-boxed (something you don't need to understand) behind it. The term "service" is overloaded and therefore should, for the most part, be qualified. For instance, a "cloud service" would refer to a service offered by a "cloud provider"; API Gateway is a cloud service offered by AWS. "Shared services" are services that the GSA enterprise uses over and over in our solutions; MCaaS is a shared service. A "web service" generally refers to a collection of RPC endpoints that are exposed using the SOAP/XML protocol and a "RESTful service" is similar but instead uses the HTTP protocol and a "resource" paradigm. When discussing a particular architecture, one might talk about "notional services" and "technical services" which have different objectives and are used to communicate different things. In many cases, the terms service, façade, interface and API might be used interchangably, so it's important to qualify to clarify unless the context of the discussion is very strong.
ServiceFurther describes what the Federal government does at a secondary or component level (FEAF).
Service Contract ActThe Service Contract Act of 1965 requires general contractors and subcontractors performing services on Federal government prime contracts in excess of $2,500 to pay service employees in various classes no less than the wage rates and fringe benefits found prevailing in the locality as determined by Department of Labor, or the rates contained in a predecessor contractor's collective bargaining agreement. This is also known as Prevailing Wage.
Service-disabled veteranA veteran, as defined in 38 U.S.C. 101(2), with a disability that is service-connected, as defined in 38 U.S.C. 101(16).
Service-disabled veteran- owned small business concernAn SDVOSB concern is at least 51 percent owned and operated by one or more service-disabled veterans, as defined at 38 U.S.C. 101(2); or, in the case of any publicly owned business, at least 51 percent of the stock of which is owned by one or more service-disabled veterans; and whose management and daily business operations are controlled by one or more service-disabled veterans.
SESAWS Simple Email Service - a service providing application integration to generate emails as well as receive and programmatically process incoming emails.
SFStandard Form
SFASales Force Automation
SFOSolicitation for Offers
SFTPSecure File Transfer Protocol -- a TCP/IP based protocol for handling file transfers between systems, secured by SSL
SHARESShared Resources
SHPOState Historic Preservation Officer
SICStandard Industrial Classification
Simplified acquisition proceduresAcquisition procedures for requirements above the micro-purchase threshold of $3,000 and under $100,000 described in FAR Part 13 designed to (a) reduce administrative costs; (b) improve opportunities for small, small disadvantaged, women-owned, veteran-owned, HUBZone, and service-disabled veteran-owned small business concerns to obtain a fair proportion of Government contracts; (c) promote efficiency and economy in contracting; and (d) avoid unnecessary burdens for agencies and contractors. SAP procedures are permitted for commercial items up to $550,000.
Simplified acquisition threshold$150,000, except for acquisitions of supplies or services that, as determined by the head of the agency, are to be used to support a contingency operation or to facilitate defense against or recovery from nuclear, biological, chemical, or radiological attack (41 U.S.C. 428a), the term means $300,000 for any contract to be awarded and performed, or purchase to be made, inside the United States; and $1 million for any contract to be awarded and performed, or purchase to be made, outside the United States.
Simplified contract formatFormat for contracts less than $100,000 in value.
SINSpecial Item Number
SIOASupvervisory Industrial Operations Analysts
SIOCStrategic Information and Operations Center
SIPSchedule Input Program
SITSystem Integration Testing
SITREPSituation Report
SITSIMSituation Summary
SLAService-Level Agreement
SLATSimplified Lease Acquisition Threshold
SLATService Level Agreement
SLOService Level Objective
SLPSite Location Policies
SMScrum Master
SMACNASheet Metal and Air Conditioning Contractors' National Association
Small Business AdministrationThe Small Business Administration is a United States Government agency that provides support to small businesses. The mission of the SBA is to maintain and strengthen the nation's economy by enabling the establishment and viability of small businesses.
Small business concernA concern, including its affiliates, that is independently owned and operated, not dominant in the field of operation in which it is bidding on Government contracts, and qualified as a small business under the criteria and size standards in 13 CFR part 121 (see 19.102). Such a concern is “not dominant in its field of operation” when it does not exercise a controlling or major influence on a national basis in a kind of business activity in which a number of business concerns are primarily engaged. In determining whether dominance exists, consideration must be given to all appropriate factors, including volume of business, number of employees, financial resources, competitive status or position, ownership or control of materials, processes, patents, license agreements, facilities, sales territory, and nature of business activity. See 15 U.S.C. 632.
Small business specialistA person who works for a Federal agency and monitors the achievement of socioeconomic goals assigned to the agency.
Small disadvantaged business concernA small business concern that is at least 51 percent unconditionally owned by one or more individuals who are both socially and economically disadvantaged, or a publicly owned business that has at least 51 percent of its stock unconditionally owned by one or more socially and economically disadvantaged individuals and that has its management and daily business controlled by one or more such individuals. This term also means a small business concern that is at least 51 percent unconditionally owned by an economically disadvantaged Indian tribe or Native Hawaiian Organization, or a publicly owned business that has at least 51 percent of its stock unconditionally owned by one of these entities, that has its management and daily business controlled by members of an economically disadvantaged Indian tribe or Native Hawaiian Organization, and that meets the requirements of 13 CFR 124.
SMESubject Matter Expert
SNAPSignificant New Alternatives Policy
SNSAWS Simple Notification Service - a subscription-publication based messaging framework and service provided by AWS.
SOService Order
SOAService Oriented Architecture
SOAPSimple Object Access Protocol -- a simple text and XML-based messaging scheme that usually uses HTTP.
Socially disadvantagedSocially disadvantaged individuals are individuals who have been subjected to racial or ethnic prejudice or cultural bias because of their identity as a member of a group without regard to their qualities as individuals. See FAR 19.001.
Sole sourceA contract for the purchase of supplies or services that is entered into or proposed to be entered into by an agency after soliciting and negotiating with only one source.
SolicitationAny request to submit offers or quotations to the Government. Solicitations under sealed bid procedures are called “invitations for bids.” Solicitations under negotiated procedures are called “requests for proposals.” Solicitations under simplified acquisition procedures may require submission of either a quotation or an offer.
SOOStatement of Objective
SOPSpecial Order Program
SOPStandard Operating Procedure
SORNSystem of Records Notice(s)
Source selection authorityThe SSA is responsible for choosing the offeror whose proposal provides the best value to the Government. The SSA is typically the Contracting Officer, unless otherwise designated by the Head of the Contracting Authority
Source selection evaluation boardThe SSEB evaluates proposals from technical, functional, and cost perspectives and provides input to the SSA.
SOWStatement of Work
SPASpecial Priorities Assistance
SPDStrategic Partner Delivery
SPESenior Procurement Executive
Special Item NumberThe types of supplies and services offered under various GSA Schedules are listed according to their Special Item Number (SIN). Many different tasks can be performed under each SIN.
Special provisionOffers are invited on the basis of both FOB origin and FOB destination, and the Government will award on the basis the contracting officer determines to be most advantageous to the Government. An offer on the basis of FOB origin only or FOB destination only is acceptable, but will be evaluated only on the basis submitted.
SPLCStandard Point Location Code
Split awardsSplitting awards for a line item among two or more contractors is appropriate to maintain competitive sources. The split may be shared on a percentage basis, with the most favorable offer receiving the highest percentage of the requirement.
SPORTSSports, Promotional, Outdoor, Recreational, Trophies, and Signs
SprintSprint = Includes Analysis, design, development, testing, QA, documentation, and production of releasable code in a 2-3 week iteration. Estimation method uses Small, Medium, and Large scale for user stories (S, M, L being defined in solution).
SQLStructured Query Language
SRAScientific Review Administrator
SRESite Reliability Engineering
SRESystems Reliability Engineer
SROStanding Route Order
SROSenior Records Officer
SRP Sales Reporting Portal (FAS Vendor Reporting and Payment system)
SSASource Selection Authority
SSEBSee "Source selection evaluation board"
SSISensitive security information
SSLSecure Socket Layer - a technology that works with TCP/IP to secure data transactions between two points
SSOSingle Sign-On
SSPSystem Security Plan
SSQSchedules Sales Query
SSRSummary Subcontracting Report
STARStrategic Targeted Account Review
STARSStreamlined Technology Acquisition Resources for Services
Statement of needA general overview of the circumstances and requirements that initially created the need to acquire supplies or services by contract. This information, compiled by the Program Office, is the technical genesis (i.e., the “what, why, and when” relative to the technical requirements) of the acquisition plan.
Statement of objectivesA Government prepared document incorporated into the solicitation that states the overall performance objectives. It is used in solicitations when the Government intends to provide the maximum flexibility to each offeror to propose an innovative approach.
Statement of workA document that captures and agrees the work activities, deliverables and timeline that a vendor will execute against in performance of work for a customer.
STCSound Transmission Class
STESecure Telephone Equipment
STTRSmall Business Technology Transfer Program
STU-IIISecure Telephone Equipment-Third Generation
SubcontractorA business that performs part or all terms of a contract for, or alongside, a contractor.
Suggested sources listWhen the solicitation is not posted as “full and open competition” on Federal Business Opportunities, suggested sources should be included with the procurement package.
SVCSwitched Virtual Circuit
SVSSwitched Voice Service
SWOTStrengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats
SWSSolicitation Writing System
System for Award ManagementA consolidated procurement system that will combine eight legacy Federal Procurement Systems and the Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance (CFDA). SAM will be developed in stages, starting with Entity Management (CCR/FedReg and ORCA) and the exclusions portion of Performance Information (EPLS). SAM is expected to launch in winter 2012.
T-NUMBERST for Transportation Schedule Numbers
T&ATime and Attendance
T&CTerms and Conditions
T&ETravel and Expense
T&MSee "Time-and-materials"
T&TTravel and Transportation
TATravel Authorization
TAATrade Agreement Act
TABBTesting, Adjusting, and Balancing Bureau
TACTransportation Account Code
TAMSTransportation Audit Management System
TAPSTemporary Administrative and Professional Staffing Services - Schedule 736
TARTest Analysis Report
TASTreasury Account Symbol
Task orderAn order for services placed against an established contract or with Government sources.
TBCTotal Building Commissioning
TCSTemporary Change of Station
TDTransportation Document
TDD/TTYTelecommunications Device for the Deaf/Teletypewriter
TDLTechnical Delivery Lead (Manager)
TDRTransactional Data Report
TDRTransportation Discrepancy Report
TDRSTransportation, Delivery, and Relocation Solutions - Schedule 48
TDYTemporary Duty
Technical evaluation group/panelThe group that evaluates the technical portion of competitive proposals.
TechnologyA Technology is intended to describe those component parts of Business Applications that work together to deliver a business capability.
TEGTechnology Evaluation Guideline
TEG/TEPSee "Technical evaluation group/panel"
TEMSTelecommunication Expert Management Services
TEPTechnology Evaluation Process
Termination(1) "Termination for convenience” means the exercise of the Government's right to completely or partially terminate performance of work under a contract when it is in the Government's interest. (2) “Termination for default” means the exercise of the Government's right to completely or partially terminate a contract because of the contractor's actual or anticipated failure to perform its contractual obligations. (3) “Termination inventory” means any property purchased, supplied, manufactured, furnished, or otherwise acquired for the performance of a contract subsequently terminated and properly allocable to the terminated portion of the contract."
TESTThis is a test
Test Driven DevelopmentTest-driven development refers to a style of programming in which three activities are tightly interwoven: coding, testing (in the form of written unit tests) and design (in the form of refactoring). It can be succinctly described by the following set of rules: - Write a single unit test describing an aspect of the program - Run the test, which should fail because the program lacks that feature - Write just enough code, the simplest possible, to make the test pass - Refactor the code until it conforms to the simplicity criteria - Repeat, accumulating unit tests over time
TFRSTelework Facility Reimbursement Sheet
TITenant Improvement
Time-and-materialsA contractual arrangement whereby payment is made on the basis of (1) actual hours of direct labor expended, at fixed hourly rates which include all overheads and profit, and (2) actual cost of materials and equipment usage.
Time-and-materials contractPay the contractor at a fixed hourly rate for labor performed under the contract. Reimburse the contractor for the allowable actual cost of materials.
TINTax/Taxpayer Identification Number
TINASee "Truth in Negotiations Act"
TMTechnical Manual
TMCTravel Management Center
TMFTechnology Management Fund
TMPTransition Management Plan
TMSTravel Management System/Travel Management Service
TMSSTransportation Management Services Solution
TMVCSFAS Office of Travel Motor Vehicle and Card Services (also known as QM)
TOTask Order
TOBYThe Office Building of the Year
ToolRefers to a collection of software which provides an interface to the business user and relays instructions to software that supports and/or performs at least one business function i.e., data entry, data processing, updating, query and reporting for an organization's information systems. An application must have a unique set of supported business functions, responsible POCs (business, technical, organizational), constituent tools/technologies (databases, servers, other software), managed data sets, funding sources, and users. An application's costs should include all infrastructure and planning/project management costs directly associated with that application (FISMA, ATO, security scanning/monitoring, infrastructure/hosting support, change requests, FTE hours).
TOPSTelecommunications Ordering and Pricing System
TORTask Order Request
TOSTender of Service
Total net present valueA financial analysis tool. Under the concept, the net present value of a dollar received today is more than the net present value of a dollar paid at the future time, because the holder of the money can collect interest.
TPFDDTime-Phased Force Deployment Data
TPFDLTime-Phase Force Deployment List
TPNTrading Partner Network
TPSTwo-Way Paging Service
TQSETemporary Quarters Subsistence Expenses
Transportation Security AdministrationThe TSA is an agency within DHS consisting of 50,000 security officers, inspectors, directors, and air marshals who protect the nation's transportation systems for safe travel TSA looks for bombs at checkpoints in airports, we inspect rail cars, patrols subways with law enforcement officials, and works to make all modes of transportation safe.
Truth in Negotiations ActThe Truth in Negotiations Act, or TINA, is a law that was enacted to provide for full and fair disclosure by contractors in the conduct of negotiations with the Government. The most significant provision included in TINA is the requirement that contractors submit certified cost or pricing data for negotiated procurements above a defined threshold.
TSTelecommunications Services
TSASee "Transportation Security Administration"
TSOTransportation Service Order
TSPTransportation Service Provider
TSSTravel Services Solutions
TTOSTouchtone Telephone Ordering System
TTSTechnology Transformation Service
TTYText Telephone
U-MASUniversity of Multiple Awards Schedules Virtual Campus
U.S.United States
U.S. Coast GuardThe United States Coast Guard is a branch of the United States Armed Forces and one of seven uniformed services. It is unique among the military branches in that it has a maritime law enforcement mission (with jurisdiction both domestically and in international waters) and a federal regulatory agency mission as part of its mission set. It operates under the Department of Homeland Security during peacetime, and can be transferred to the Department of the Navy by the President or Congress during a time of war. The overall mission of the Coast Guard is to protect the public, the environment, and the United States economic and security interests in any maritime region in which those interests may be at risk, including international waters and United States coasts, ports, and inland waterways.
U.S. Customs and Border ProtectionCBP is one of the Department of Homeland Security's largest and most complex components, with a priority mission of keeping terrorists and their weapons out of the U.S. It also has a responsibility for securing and facilitating trade and travel while enforcing hundreds of U.S. regulations, including immigration and drug laws.
U.S. Immigration and Customs EnforcementA federal law enforcement agency under the United States Department of Homeland Security , responsible for identifying, investigating, and dismantling vulnerabilities regarding the nation's border, economic, transportation, and infrastructure security. Headquartered in Washington, D.C., ICE is charged with the investigation and enforcement of over 400 federal statutes within the United States, and maintains attaches at major U.S. embassies overseas. Consequently, ICE special agents possess the broadest investigative authority within the United States government.
U.S. Secret ServiceA United States federal law enforcement agency that falls under the United States Department of Homeland Security. The U.S. Secret Service has two distinct areas of responsibility: (1) Treasury roles, covering missions such as prevention and investigation of counterfeiting of U.S. currency and U.S. treasury bonds notes and investigation of major fraud and (2) Protective roles, ensuring the safety of national VIPs such as the President, past presidents, vice presidents, presidential candidates, their families, foreign embassies (per an agreement with the U.S. State Department's Bureau of Diplomatic Security (DS) Office of Foreign Missions (OFM)).
U.S. Small Business ActThe authority under which the Small Business Administration (SBA) and agencies consult and cooperate with each other in formulating policies to ensure that small business interests will be recognized and protected.
U.S. Small Business Jobs ActThe Jobs Act amended the Business Opportunity Development Reform Act of 1988 (Public Law 100-656) by repealing the Small Business Competitiveness Demonstration Program. This Federal law extended the SBA loan provisions while offering billions more in lending support, tax cuts, and other opportunities for entrepreneurs and small business owners.
U/D/SUtilization, Donation, and Sales Programs
U&DUtilization and Donation Programs
UATUser Acceptance Testing
UCUnified Command
UCASee "Undefinitized contract action"
UCFSee "Uniform contract format"
UCL/LCLControl Limits demonstrating how processes performs
UFASUniform Federal Accessibility Standards
UFCUniform Freight Classification
UIUnit of Issue
ULUnderwriters Laboratory
Undefinitized contract actionA contracting instrument that does not define the costs and terms before the Contractor begins work.
UNICORSee "Federal Prison Industries"
Uniform contract formatThe standard format of a Government contract valued at over $100,000.
United States CodeThe USC is the codification of the general and permanent rules published in the Federal Register by the executive departments and agencies of the Federal Government. It is divided into 50 titles that represent broad areas subject to Federal regulation.
UPSUninterruptible Power System
URLUniform Resource Locator
US&RUrban Search and Rescue
USACEUnited States Army Corps of Engineers
USAFUnited States Air Force
USCUnited States Code
USCDGUS Courts Design Guide
USCGUnited States Coast Guard
USDAUnited States Department of Agriculture
USFSUnited States Forest Service
USGCBUnited States Government Configuration Baseline
USGSUnited States Geological Survey
USL/LSLCustomer's Performance Parameters
USMSUnited States Marshall Service
USPHSUnited States Public Health Services
USPSUnited States Postal Service
USSSSee "U.S. Secret Service"
USSGLU.S. Standard General Ledger
USTUnderground Storage Tank
VADepartment of Veterans Affairs
Value analysis estimateA value analysis estimate results from a specialized review of the function of a product and its related price. It may literally involve taking the item apart to determine how it is made and why it costs what it does.
VARValue-Added Reseller
VATValid Accounting Transaction
VAVVariable Air Volume
VCOVoice Carry Over
VEValue Engineering
VetBizVeterans Online Business Registry
Veteran-owned small business concernAl VOSB concern is at least 51 percent owned and operated by one or more veterans, as defined at 38 U.S.C. 101(2); or, in the case of any publicly owned business, at least 51 percent of the stock of which is owned by one or more veterans; and whose management and daily business operations are controlled by one or more veterans.
VETSVeteran's Technology Services
VIPVery Important People
Visual analysis estimateA visual analysis estimate results from a visual inspection of an item, or drawing of an item, to estimate its probable value.
VITAVolunteers in Technical Assistance
VITAPVisual Invoice Tracking and Payment
VITMDOD Virtual IT Marketplace/ESI BPA Item
VLValue Lodging
VMASVehicular Multiple Award Schedule
VOCVolatile Organic Compound
VOCVoice of the Customer
VOLAGVoluntary Agency
VOSBSee "Veteran-owned small business concern"
VPCVirtual Private Cloud
VPCaaSVirtual Private Cloud as a Service is an extension of an enterprise's network into the cloud. Virtual private clouds are typically layers of isolation within public clouds. These layers may include network security, DNS, connectivity back to the enterprise's network, connectivity to the enterprise's SecTools for security monitoring, cloud service provider's log forwarding to the enterprise's Security, and inter-VPC networking
VRAPVendor Risk Assessment Program
VSCVendor Support Center
WAMAWashington Area Music Association
WANWide Area Network
WarrantyPromise or affirmation given by a contractor to the Government regarding the nature, usefulness, or condition of the supplies or performance of services furnished under the contract.
WAWFWide Area Workflow
WCWWorldclass Workforce
WDWage Determination
WDCWholesale Distribution Center
WDOLWages - Department of Labor
WDPDSWireless Digital Packet Data Service
WIFCONWhere in Federal Contracting
WIPWork In Progress
WITSWashington Interagency Telecommunications System
WMWaste Management
WMDWeapon of Mass Destruction
WOBWoman-owned Business
Women-owned small business concernA WOSB concern is at least 51 percent owned by one or more women; or, in the case of any publicly owned business, at least 51 percent of the stock of which is owned by one or more women; and whose management and daily business operations are controlled by one or more women; or a small business concern eligible under the Women-Owned Small Business Program in accordance with 13 CFR part 127. See FAR Subpart 19.15.
WOSBSee "Women-owned small business concern"
WPAWorks Progress Administration
WPSWireless Priority Services
WQNational Capital Region in Washington, DC
WTAWithholding tax allowance
XLPCross Linked Polyethylene
XMLeXtensible Markup Language
YCAY-Class of Service/Coach, C-Contract, A-Award
ZEFZero Environmental Footprint