Getting Started
In this section, find starting points for you in your journey with FAS-IT. Below you’ll find examples of guidance tailored around some of our most common user types for the Playbook. Pick the one that’s closest to you or browse to see the guidance for various stakeholders.
New to FAS
Meet Amanda
Amanda recently joined the company of a COMET BPA holder:
- Wants to quickly learn about FAS-IT so she can better support her team
- Wants to understand how her company utilizes FAS-IT or FCS services.
Tools and Resources for New FAS Users
Read the Letter from Sagar Samant, Associate Chief Information Officer, FAS-IT, to the Federal Acquisition Service (FAS)
View LetterFAS Cloud Services Orientation
Learn about the FCS organization and its products, services, and capabilities
View OrientationAbout FAS-IT
View the organizational structure and learn how it aligns to the business lines of FAS.
Learn about COMET and the vendors enabling the FAS IT Modernization Strategy.
About COMETServices and Capabilities Architecture
Gain insight into the services and capabilities supporting all layers of the architecture.
FAS Business ServicesOfferings
Review the portfolio of service and capabilities offered by GSA to build and deliver modernized solutions.
Cloud ServicesKnowledge Center
Relevant FAS-IT resources including white-papers, proof-of-concepts, a glossary, and so much more.
Knowledge CenterDeveloper
Meet Hector
Hector has been a developer with GSA for 3 years:
- Is interested in developing a cloud solution in an environment in which he can focus on development activities
- Prefers to leave infrastructure, management, and security concerns to others (like FCS)
- Is interested in FCS’ Multi-tenant Container-as-a-Service (MCaaS) model
- Likes to stay up to date on reusable services and consumable capabilities that he can leverage.
Tools and Resources for Developers
Learn about common and reusable components for developing transactional, data flow or analytical systems.
Learn About Macro-patternsTech Exchanges
View the list of past Tech Exchanges to get answers to pressing questions and gain knowledge of special topics discussed with the COMET vendor community.
Tech ExchangesOfferings
Review the portfolio of services and capabilities offered bty GSA to build and deliver modernized solutions.
Cloud OfferingsEnablement
Read about the phases of the Cloud Enablement Journey and what to expect.
Cloud EnablementCloud Lounge
Visit the Cloud Lounge to stay in-the-know about FAS Cloud Events, training, and resources.
Cloud LoungeIT Project Manager
Meet Erin
Erin is an IT project manager for a high-profile FAS initiative:
- Is responsible for managing the evolving requirements and product solutions according to agile best practices
- Wants a go-to resource to support her role in managing the project
- Is interested in a one-stop shop of resources to support project administration.
Tools and Resources for IT Project Managers
Learn about COMET and the vendors enabling the FAS IT Modernization Strategy.
About COMETRoadmaps, PIs, and Sprints
Understand the FAS framework (and associated templates) for rapid, manageable, and incremental development and delivery of modernized solutions.
Learn moreJira and Confluence
Click on short training videos to get step-by-step instructions for using Jira and Confluence to accomplish a variety of tasks.
Jira and ConfluenceTech Exchanges
View the list of past Tech Exchanges to get answers to pressing questions and gain knowledge of special topics discussed with the COMET vendor community.
Tech ExchangesHelpful Hints
Learn a variety of tips and tricks for improving agile product activities and team processes.
Tips and TricksIT Security Roles and Responsibilities
Learn the critical roles and Responsibilities FAS-IT Security partners provide to our project teams.
Learn MoreBusiness Product Owner
Meet Reggie
Reggie has been with GSA for six years and has been made responsible for modernizing a legacy business application.
- He recognizes that Cloud Computing is critical for digital transformation.
- He wants to know what to expect on a Cloud Smart Journey.
- He wants to know how and whom to engage with FCS to learn about its current offerings.
- He needs assistance evaluating his options for moving into the cloud.
Tools and Resources for Business Product Owners
Learn how the Cloud Advisory Team engages tenants throughout the Cloud Enablement Journey
Cloud AdvisoryEnablement
Read about the phases of the Cloud Enablement Journey and what to expect.
Cloud EnablementOfferings
Review the portfolio of services and capabilities offered bty GSA to build and deliver modernized solutions.
Cloud ServicesCloud Documents and Templates
View the templates for tenant-specific documents that will be leveraged throughout the Cloud Journey to inform decisions.
View TemplatesCloud Lounge
Visit the Cloud Lounge to stay in-the-know about FAS Cloud Events, training, and resources.
Cloud LoungeSecurity Compliance Engineer
Meet Charlie
Charlie is a security compliance engineer who wants to set up an MCaaS environment in the FCS ecosystem:
- Is aware the application will require an Authorization to Operate from security
- Wants to know the information needed and appropriate contacts for any security questions
- Is responsible for managing the evolving requirements and product solutions according to agile best practices
- Should expect to complete typical security documentation such as FIPS-199 Categorization, E-Authentication, Privacy Threshold Analysis, System Security and Privacy Plan, Configuration Management Plan, Contingency Plan, and Interconnection Security Agreement.
Tools and Resources for Security Compliance Engineers
Learn about COMET and the vendors enabling the FAS IT Modernization Strategy.
About COMETBusiness & Strategy
Learn how FAS aligns its technology and business strategies to achieve its mission.
Business StrategiesGet Cloud Services
Get familiar with the expected Security outcome for throughout your FCS Cloud Smart Journey
Learn MoreCloud Smart Journey Phases
Know "who is responsible for what" by referencing this RACI matrix tailored for FCS Landing Zones.
View RACI MatrixSecurity and Compliance
As a tenant, reporting requirements are an obligation; leverage this FCS Metrics breakdown to understand what you need to report and the frequencies.
Learn MoreExecutive Leader
Meet Amir
Amir has close to 20 years of industry experience, with 12 of those at GSA. For the past 6 years, he has been a leader at GSA overseeing two large areas of business. He’s interested in modernizing not only business technology but also operations.
- Recognizes his employees and directs reports want new, more modern tools; also knows this is important when trying to hire new employees.
- Wants to adopt new, off-the-shelf technologies that don’t require significant maintenance and upgrade costs.
- Wants an understanding of the time and cost any modernization efforts would have prior to beginning a project.
- Wants to know of colleagues who have already done similar modernization projects, benefit from any lessons learned, and learn of opportunities to partner with others doing similar work.
Tools and Resources for Executive Leaders
Read the Letter from Sagar Samant, Associate Chief Information Officer, FAS-IT, to the Federal Acquisition Service (FAS)
View LetterAbout COMET
Learn about COMET and the vendors enabling the FAS IT Modernization Strategy.
View the organizational structure and learn how it aligns to the business lines of FAS.
About FAS-ITOfferings
Review the portfolio of services and capabilities offered bty GSA to build and deliver modernized solutions.
Cloud Services